مـنـتـديـات ابن النفيس ترحب بكم
أهلا ومرحبا بك فى منتديات ابن النفيس تفضل بالدخول إذا كنت مسجلا أو قم بالتسجيل لتشاركنا بمساهماتك وردودك وشاهد كل ما يخص التعليم والمناهج وأخبار المدارس والكثير من المجالات المختلفة
مع تحياتى مدير المنتدى / عادل الحلاج
مـنـتـديـات ابن النفيس ترحب بكم
أهلا ومرحبا بك فى منتديات ابن النفيس تفضل بالدخول إذا كنت مسجلا أو قم بالتسجيل لتشاركنا بمساهماتك وردودك وشاهد كل ما يخص التعليم والمناهج وأخبار المدارس والكثير من المجالات المختلفة
مع تحياتى مدير المنتدى / عادل الحلاج
مـنـتـديـات ابن النفيس ترحب بكم
هل تريد التفاعل مع هذه المساهمة؟ كل ما عليك هو إنشاء حساب جديد ببضع خطوات أو تسجيل الدخول للمتابعة.

الرئيسيةبوابة الموقعأحدث الصورالتسجيلدخول
مبروك حصول مدرسة ابن النفيس الإعدادية بنات على اعتماد هيئة ضمان الجودة تم إعلان نتيجة الفصل الدراسى الأول يناير 2016 ومبروك لكل الطالبات
اسم العضو:
كلمة السر:
ادخلني بشكل آلي عند زيارتي مرة اخرى: 
:: لقد نسيت كلمة السر
بصراحة هل أعجبك المنتدى
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 66% [ 338 ]
مراجعة عامة أنجليزى صف ثانى إعدادى Vote_rcap12%مراجعة عامة أنجليزى صف ثانى إعدادى Vote_lcap
 12% [ 62 ]
لم يعجبنى
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 22% [ 112 ]
مجموع عدد الأصوات : 512
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 مراجعة عامة أنجليزى صف ثانى إعدادى

اذهب الى الأسفل 
كاتب الموضوعرسالة
ممدوح حربى
عضو مرشح للإشراف
عضو مرشح للإشراف
ممدوح حربى

عدد المساهمات : 207
تاريخ التسجيل : 29/08/2009
نقاط : 6026

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مُساهمةمراجعة عامة أنجليزى صف ثانى إعدادى

Menouf Eductional Directorate First Term 2007
Second Year prep. Time 1½ Hours
1- Finish the following dialogue:
Visitor : My name is Ahmed Ali
Visitor : I live in Tanta.
Secretary: …………………………………………………..?
Visitor : My address s flat 32 Nile street, Tanta
Secretary: …………………………………………………..?
Visitor :It's 2521137
Secretary: …………………………………………………..?
Visitor : I was born on June 6, 1972
2- Finish the following dialogue:
Nadia : Hello, Ahmed. How are you? Are you doing your homework?
Ahmed : No. I've finished my homework already.
Nadia :Good. ………(1)……….. are you phoning?
Ahmed :We've got a problem. Water is coming into the ………..(2)……….
Nadia : What is happening?
Ahmed :Salma was playing with her toys in the….(3)… She got a lot of water on
the floor and now it……(4)…. running through to the dining room.
Nadia : Have you turned off the water?
Ahmed :Yes, we have, and now we……..(5)…….the bathroom floor.
Nadia : Good, thank you. I'll be home in fifteen minutes.
3- Finish the following dialogue
Magdy is phoning a hotel for a room. The hotel secretary is asking for information.
Secretary: What's your name, please?
Visitor : My name is Magdy Hassan.
Secretary: What's your ............................?.
Visitor : It's 21 Ramses St, Abbassiya.
Secretary: And ............................ were you born?
Visitor : I was born ............................. March l6th', 1974.
Secretary:............................. is your phone number, please?
Visitor: It's 010-0234567.
2 Supply the missing parts in the following two mini-dialogues
Ahmed doesn't feel well. He is at the doctor's clinic.
a - Doctor: How much water have you been drinking each day?
Ahmed: ................................................................................................
Ahmed and Ali are speaking about what they are interested in.
b- Ahmed:-............................................................................................?
Ali: I'm very interested in IT and computers.
c- Ahmed: What were you doing at 7.30 yesterday morning?
Soha :………………………………………………..
d -Ahmed: …………………………………………..?
Taha: About a litre of water is evaporating from the pan every minute.
3 - Read and match
1- We keep goats to a- cutting food.
2 This is the car b -who won the prize.
3 Computers are c -to control robots.
4 A knife is used for d -machines which follow instructions.
5 This is the girl e- which my father bought.
f- get milk and meat.
4 Read the following, then answer the questions:
Sixty years ago, computers were enormous. They were also expensive and slow. Now computers are getting smaller and cheaper and this will continue, "we'll probably use computers in different ways in the future. We'll put more computers into planes and we'll use them in cars, too. We use some computers in planes now, but in the future we probably won't need people to fly them. A computer will be able to fly a plane by itself. Now we use computers to help us to design and invent new machines. In the future, computers might design machines by themselves, without the help of people.
1- What were computers like 60 years ago?
2- What are computers like now?
3 Enormous means very .......................
a- dark b -big c -old d- small
4 In the future, computers will probably be able to
a- fly b- buy a plane c -sell a plane d- fly a plane
5 -The underlined word 'them' refers to the .......................
a -planes b- cars c- computers d -machines
Read the following, then answer the questions:
It was five o'clock in the evening in April. Helen turned to Diana and said, "If it's five o'clock, why is the sky getting darker? And why do I feel hotter?" Diana said, "I can smell something." The girls looked behind them at a factory where some men were making tables and chairs. At first they did not see anything, then Helen pointed to some smoke which was coming out of the top floor. "The factory's on fire!" Helen shouted. "I must tell the people inside."
"Yes, and I must telephone for help," Diana replied.
1- What was happening to the sky?
2- What were the men doing?
3-How was Diana feeling?
a-hotter b-happier c-cooler d- darker
4- What did Helen point to?
a the sky b the smoke c- the people d the floor
5-What must Diana do?
a -tell the people b -smell the smoke c put out the fire d-call for help
Read the following, then answer the questions:
Computers are probably the most important modern invention. They are machines which follow programs that tell the computer how to store and control electronic information. A computer can do difficult sums very quickly.
Computers are important for three main reasons. They are flexible, accurate and they can store lots of information in their memory. Computers are now used in banks, at home, and in factories. The internet allows people to communicate with anyone around the world in a matter of seconds. Most books are now made with the help of computers. Even doctors use computers to help them examine their patients.
1 Why are computers important?
2 What do programs tell the computer?
3 Computers can store…. a- food b- information c money d time
4 What allows someone to send a message to someone else in another country instantly? a-the internet b- a stamp c -a letter d- a factory
5 What are 'programs'?
a- instructions b- machines c -telephones d- books
choose the correct answer from a , b, c or d
1-Making models is a hobby……………Ahmed enjoys a lot.
a- where b-which c-who d-when
2-Ahmed saw a friend in the shop …………..he goes to buy sweets
a-where b- which c-what d-who
4-Ahmed spoke to his friend …………..was surprised to see him
a- where b-which c-who d-when
5-The school ……...……..Ahmed studies is near his flat
a-where b- which c-what d-who
5- We kept money in a ………….to be away from thieves.
a- tin b- book c-kitchen d- safe
6- ............... can do sums very quickly.
a -Carpenters b- Compasses c-Computers
7 -...............................my instructions and you'll understand what to do.
a -Go b- Follow c -Walk
8 -Computers will............................... be cheaper in fifty years.
a -accurately b- flexibly c- probably
9 -Computers can ............................... lots of electronic information.
a -continue b -store c- switch on
10 -Programs are ............................... which tell computers what to do.
a -instructions b- quantities c -noises
11 -In a few years, we will probably drive ............................. cars.
a -electric b -flexible c -terrified
12- Nadia bought a kilo of flour to make some bread. Flour is…………..
a -a kind of plant b-a product from wheat c- a product from chickens
13 -The cakes were delicious, but Soha was not greedy and only ate one. Greedy means…… a-taking more than you need b- needing money c- very hungry
14- The farmer used a tractor to plough his field before he planted his crops. A tractor is …………. a- a machine b- a tool c- an animal
15- Farmers keep a lot of useful animals on their farms. Keep means…………..
a buy and sell b own and look after c use and help
16- Ahmed wore a jumper made of wool because the weather was cold. Wool is…… a- made of cotton b -made of animal hair c -made of plastic
17- Hazem decided to ...................... a place on the train.
a-reserve b- buy c -sit d -stand
18 -Sally, Soha and Ahmed met near the……………of the Great Pyramid.
a -way b -window c- entrance d end
19 -They went to see the ancient…………….in the museum.
a -tomb b- treasures c- tickets d -car
20 -………..Ahmed comes home from school, he's going to make himself a cup of tea
a -As b -Soon c- So d- As soon as
21 -Hazem is going to meet ………………. from Aswan.
a -kings b- sailors c- tourists d- farmers
22- Hazem really enjoys ...................... lunch at home.
a -to eat b- eat c-eating d- ate
23 -Soha .................... to send e-mails to Ann.
a-doesn't' want b- don't want c- aren't wanting
24 -Would you like ………………… to the swimming pool tonight, Ahmed?
a- to go b-went c- going d –go
25 -Soha would prefer……………letters to Ann.
a- to send b- send c- sent d-sending
26 -Ahmed likes computers but he isn't interested in .....................
a -to paint b- paints c- painting
27 -What would you like ……………, an apple or a banana?
a- to eat b- eat c- eating
28 -Ahmed has a lot of homework and doesn't want ……………. TV.
a -watch b- to watch c- watching
29 -A line of high water online sea is called a………………
a- ocean b- storm c- wind d-wave
30 -……………means to drop water, milk, juice or other things.
a -Pump b- Spill c- Test d –Spell
31 -The name of a very large sea is ....................
a -a lake b- a river c- a wave d- an ocean
32 -When something goes down under the water, you can say that it
a -floats b- practises c- sinks d- swims
33 -When we want to count the energy in food, we count the ................
a -calories b- metres c- litres d- sweets
34 -The kind and quantity of food which we eat is called our ……………
a -diet b- energy c- menu d- health
35- When water freezes, it turns into.............................. .
a -ice b- vapour c- drops d- rain
36 -This is the shop............................. my mother buys our clothes.
a -when b -what c- who d- where
37 -In the future, Ahmed .............................. drive a car.
a -will be able to b- is able to c -can d- has been able to
38 -This chocolate ............................ sweet and delicious.
a -touches b -looks c -tastes d- feels
39 -Yoghurt has fewer............................ than ice cream.
a- calories b -taste c- milk d -food
40 -If you don't ............................. hard for the exam, you won't pass.
a -studying b -to study c -study d- studied
41 -When water boils, it..... ..............
a -sinks b -condenses c- freezes d- evaporates
42 -Hazem isn't good at.............................. .
a -sing b -singing c -sang d- sings
6 - Write questions using the words in brackets
1 - Dan was born in Canada. (Where)
2 - They went to Alexandria by train. (How)
3 -A drill is used for making holes. (What)
7-Read and correct the underlined word
1-Stones float in water.
2-When water boils , it turns into ice
3- People get very dry when they swim
4-The sun falls in the morning
5-When you climb a mountain, air slowly gets warmer
6-When the sun shines , water vapour condenses from the surface of the sea
7- Ahmed hasn't wash all the dishes yet.
8- Nadia just switch off the TV
9- Salma has eaten her sandwich last night.
10- Ahmed hasn't done all his homework last night.
11- Hassan has been a businessman since five years.
12- Sally and Soha have been to the bakery and have buy some bread.
13- Ahmed has decided asking for help.
14- Noha always brushed her teeth after she eats.
15- This is the house which the Zaki family lives.
16- Have you open the door, please?
8- Look at the picture and write a paragraph of four (4) sentences. (The words in the box may help you.)
(keep - grow – to get )

Farmers keep…………………………………………

8- Look at the picture and write a short paragraph of sentences:
(The words in the box may help you.) (A carpenter )
(hammer – nails – pliers – saw)
The carpenter uses a lot of tools.

8- Look at the picture and write a short paragraph of sentences:
(The words in the box may help you.)
(information – accurately – doctors – invent)

Computers can

9 Punctuate the following two sentences
1 as soon as hesham arrives home he will sleep

2 rasha is travelling to luxor next monday
10 Two marks are allotted to good handwriting and neatness
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مراجعة عامة أنجليزى صف ثانى إعدادى :: تعاليق

عادل الحلاج
رد: مراجعة عامة أنجليزى صف ثانى إعدادى
مُساهمة الخميس يناير 14, 2010 12:56 pm من طرف عادل الحلاج
مراجعة عامة أنجليزى صف ثانى إعدادى A24f5ba6ba
أميرة الاحلام
رد: مراجعة عامة أنجليزى صف ثانى إعدادى
مُساهمة الخميس يناير 14, 2010 9:53 pm من طرف أميرة الاحلام
امتحان رائع
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