مـنـتـديـات ابن النفيس ترحب بكم
أهلا ومرحبا بك فى منتديات ابن النفيس تفضل بالدخول إذا كنت مسجلا أو قم بالتسجيل لتشاركنا بمساهماتك وردودك وشاهد كل ما يخص التعليم والمناهج وأخبار المدارس والكثير من المجالات المختلفة
مع تحياتى مدير المنتدى / عادل الحلاج
مـنـتـديـات ابن النفيس ترحب بكم
أهلا ومرحبا بك فى منتديات ابن النفيس تفضل بالدخول إذا كنت مسجلا أو قم بالتسجيل لتشاركنا بمساهماتك وردودك وشاهد كل ما يخص التعليم والمناهج وأخبار المدارس والكثير من المجالات المختلفة
مع تحياتى مدير المنتدى / عادل الحلاج
مـنـتـديـات ابن النفيس ترحب بكم
هل تريد التفاعل مع هذه المساهمة؟ كل ما عليك هو إنشاء حساب جديد ببضع خطوات أو تسجيل الدخول للمتابعة.

الرئيسيةبوابة الموقعأحدث الصورالتسجيلدخول
مبروك حصول مدرسة ابن النفيس الإعدادية بنات على اعتماد هيئة ضمان الجودة تم إعلان نتيجة الفصل الدراسى الأول يناير 2016 ومبروك لكل الطالبات
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 شرح قصة 3 ث اللغة الإنجليزية

اذهب الى الأسفل 
كاتب الموضوعرسالة
إلا صلاتي
عضو مرشح للإشراف
عضو مرشح للإشراف
إلا صلاتي

عدد المساهمات : 945
تاريخ التسجيل : 06/06/2009
نقاط : 7207

شرح قصة 3 ث اللغة الإنجليزية Empty
مُساهمةشرح قصة 3 ث اللغة الإنجليزية

The Mask of Gold
Chapter 1
To the land of the Incas

Leila El- Assaby, an
Egyptian archaeologist was back home in Cairo (she had been on an excavation journey in Peru with Dr. Hafez as part of UNESCO exchange programme). When she woke up the following morning, she couldn’t know where she was.

When Leila heard the familiar sounds of her neighborhood children playing in the street, melon sellers she was happy as she was back home with her parents and her sister Samira.

On the table beside her bed there was a photo. It was a picture of her. She was looking at the camera and holding up a little gold figure of an animal.
The photo reminded Liela of that day. It was a good day, but the days after that weren’t so good, Leila shivered.

Two months go; Leila was setting off on her biggest adventure of her life. Samira drove her in their car to the airport. As usual, the airport road was crowded. Luckily they had set of early. Leila forgot her worry about flying as Samira didn’t stop talking to her all the way to the airport.

Leila was happy as she didn’t go to South America before. Leila spent the night before packing her luggage.

As Dr. Hafez's work was high up in mountains, Samira advised Leila to tell Dr. Hafez to take care of her fear, she would fall off a mountain. Leila told Samira that the Incas were tough as they lived at high altitudes. The Incas didn’t have any writing and yet, they controlled a huge empire. The Incas conquered the Chimo who were famous for their gold and silver.

The laser machine should be kept secret as they wanted to be the first to use it.
Samira was a reporter on one of the Cairo newspapers. She was ambitious as she was always looking for good articles for her newspaper.

Samira imagined some headlines such as "Secrets of an Inca tomb" and "Egyptian archaeologists find Inca Treasure". That would be titles for good articles in her paper.

At the airport Leila checked in for her flight. Samira hugged and kissed her. Leila promised to be in touch with her by sending her a postcard or an email. Samira was funny but Leila was worried about everything.

A. Questions & Answers:

What was Leila doing in that picture?
She was looking at the camera and holding up a little gold figure of an animal.
What did Leila feel when she remembered the bad days?
She felt a shiver down her back.
What did Leila do two months earlier?
She set off the biggest adventure in her life where she went to Peru.
Where were Leila and her sister Samira going?
They were going to Cairo Airport.
Why was Leila going to Peru?
She was flying to Peru to join Dr. Hafez the leader of the excavation work there.
Why was Leila excited to be going to Peru?
She had never been to South America. She was nervous about flying.
How did Leila spend most of the night before her flight?
She spent most of the night packing her luggage.
What was Samira's job?
She was a reporter on one of the Cairo newspaper.
How was Samira different from her sister?
Samira was funny and never worried about anything.
What was Dr. Hafez doing in Peru?
He was the leader of excavation work in Peru under the supervision of the UNESCO exchange programme.
What did you know about the Incas?
The Incas lived in Peru and conquered the Chimo. They controlled a huge empire.
What were the Chimo people famous for?
They were famous for their gold and silver work.
In which tombs could gold and silver things be found?
They could be found in the Inca kings and nobles tombs.
What machine did Leila take with her to Peru? Why?
It was a small laser machine that could discover how old things made of wood or cloth are. They would use it in their excavations in Peru.

Why was this machine kept a secret?
They wanted to be the first to use it.
What else did Leila take with her to Peru?
She took the details of a new technique developed by the department of Archaeology.
What did Samira jokingly say about the expected discoveries to Peru?
She said that Egyptian Archaeologist found Inca treasure.
Why did Samira ask Leila to take care of herself in Peru?
She would work at about two and a half thousand metres up in the mountains.
How did Samira feel when she bade farewell to her sister?
She said through her tears that she would miss her.
What did Leila promise her sister to do?
She would send her a postcard or maybe an e-mail.

B. Complete the following sentences:

Leila was pleased to return ………………………………………...
In the photo, Leila was holding up………………………………….
The happy day Leila remembered, was when………………………
The bad days she remembered in Peru made her feel………………
Leila's biggest adventure was………………………………………
Unlike her sister, Samira was..……………………………………..
Leila spent most of the night before the day of her flight…………..
Dr. Hafez went to Peru to …………………………………………..
As Leila had never been to South America, she ……………………
The Incas were tough because ……………………………………...
Although they had no writing, the Incas …………………………...
The gold and silver work of the Incas was made by ……………….
Only kings and nobles had…………………………...in their tombs.
The laser dating-machine can ………………………………………
They kept the laser dating-machine secret so that ………………….
Samira's job was …………………………………………………….
Samira suggested headlines for ……………………………………..
Samira cried when …………………………………………………..
Samira asked her sister to take care of herself as …………………...
Though Leila was not very good at keeping in touch when she was working, she promised ……………………………………………


……… to her home in Cairo.
……… a little gold figure of an animal.
……… she discovered the little gold figure of an animal.
……… a shiver down her back
……… when she was in Peru
……… funny and never worried anything.
……… packing her luggage.
……… to be responsible for excavation work there.
……… she was worried and excited.
……… they lived at high altitudes.
……… controlled a huge empire.
……… the Chimu people.
……… had things made of gold.
……… date things made of wood and cloth.
……… they would be the first to use it.
……… a reporter on one of the Cairo newspapers.
……… the discoveries Leila would make in Peru.
……… she bade farewell to her sister.
……… she would work high up in her mountains.
……… to send her sister a postcard or an e-mail.

C. Read the following quotations and then answer the questions:

1. "Yes, of course I'm excited. I've never been to South America before"
Why was Leila excited?
Why hadn’t she time to be excited the night before departure?
What did Samira say about packing luggage?
2. "You must tell Dr. Hafez to take good care of you".
Why did Samira say this statement?
What was Leila going to do there?
What was Dr. Hafez's job?
3. "But Dr. Hafez is looking for a king's tomb, isn’t it?"
What was the aim behind looking for a king's tomb?
Where was Dr. Hafez looking for it?
By whom were the gold things in the tomb made?

4. "No, it uses a small laser to date things" It's the latest technology and all very new".
a. Who was the speaker? To whom was she speaking?
b. What is meant by dating things?
c. Why was this machine kept a secret?
5. "Egyptian archaeologist finds Incas treasure"
a. By whom was the headline said?
b. Who was the Archaeologist mentioned in it?
c. What do these words illustrate about the speaker?
6. "I’ll miss you too. I'm not very good at keeping in touch when I'm working".
a. Who was the speaker and to whom was she speaking?
b. Why would she miss her?
c. How would she keep in touch with her?


a. She had never been to South America before.
b. She spent most of the time packing her luggage.
c. She used to forget things before traveling.

a. She didn’t want her sister to fall off a mountain in the Andes.
b. She was going to excavate.
c. He was the head of excavation work in Peru.

a. They would find things made of gold by the Chimu people in it.
b. It is in the mountains about two and a half thousand metres.
c. They were made by the Chimu people.

a. It was said by Leila to her sister Samira.
b. It means; how old the thing was made.
c. They wanted to be the first to use it.

a. It was said by Samira.
b. Leila was the archaeologist
c. She was funny and optimistic.

a. It was said by Leila to her sister Samira.
b. She was going to Peru for some weeks.
c. She would send her a postcard or an e-mail.
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إلا صلاتي
رد: شرح قصة 3 ث اللغة الإنجليزية
مُساهمة الإثنين نوفمبر 30, 2009 9:33 pm من طرف إلا صلاتي
Chapter 2
The man on the plane and then change

Leila had to fly to New York as there wasn’t a direct flight from Cairo to Lima, the capital of Peru.
Leila stayed at a hotel at the airport as her connecting flight would be the early in the morning.
Leila asked for a window seat as she was curious. As the plane took off, Leila looked down the skyscrapers.
Martin Lander
The man was sitting beside Leila was in his mid thirties with fair hair and a sun tanned face. He was wearing a blue shirt and his sleeves were rolled up. He didn’t look like a businessman or a tourist either. He looked as if he worked outdoors a lot.
Lander said he was a mining engineer. He was American born in South Africa. He was based in the United States but he spent a few months in Peru every year.
When Leila asked him what kind of mining he was doing, copper, silver. He said that he was looking for places where there were interesting things to find. Leila didn’t understand what he meant.
Getting useful information
During the conversation Leila told Lander that she was part of a UNESCO exchange programme and she was a research assistant at the University of Cairo.
What made Leila take up archaeology?
Leila used to love listening to Dr. Hafez an old family friend when she was young. He told them about the work he was doing. Leila was greatly affected by him, so he decided to follow in his footsteps.
Why didn’t Liela study with Dr. Hafez?
As people might think he was giving her special treatment. Leila did her degree in Rome, at the Italian Institute of Archaeology.
Leila's first dig
Leila said that her first dig was in the valley of the nobles in Luxor. They discovered the tomb of Sennofer. The tomb had wonderful paintings of birds and animals on the walls. The colours were as bright as if they had been painted yesterday. There was some beautiful jewelry.

Leila suspected Martin Lander:-
As he asked her a lot of questions. When she got up, she saw the man looking through the pocket in her seat. Looking for the in-flight magazine as he couldn’t find his.
When the plane was coming in to Land in Lima, Leila told Lander that Dr. Hafez would meet her at the airport in Lima and they would take a flight to Cuzco.
Leila went through the customs. They wanted to look at everything in her luggage, especially the laser machine.
They let her through when she explained that she was part of the UNESCO archaeological project and showed them some papers.
Leila introduced Lander to Dr. Hafez. Dr. Hafez asked Lander if they had met before somewhere but Lander denied.
Dr. Hafez suspected Lander
As Dr. Hafez was quite sure that he had met Lander before in the Machu Picchu area and he was doing some archaeological work there.
Dr. Hafez and Leila left Lander to catch the plane to Cuzco.

A. Questions & Answers:

Why did Leila Fly to New York?
As there was no direct flight to Lima, she had to change planes in New York.
Where did Leila stay at New York airport?
She stayed at the airport hotel.
Who was sitting beside Leila? Describe him.
A man was sitting beside her. He was in his mid-thirties with fair hair and sun-tanned face.
What was that man's nationality and job?
He was born in South Africa but he had an American passport. He said he was mining engineer.
What was Leila's business in Peru?
She had archaeological dig which was part of a UNESCO exchange programme.
What was Leila's job in Egypt?
She was an Egyptian research assistant in Cairo University.
What made Leila take up archaeology?
She was interested in Dr. Hafez's stories about his work as an archaeologist.

Where did Leila do her degree? Why?
She did her degree in Rome . As people might think that Dr. Hafez was giving her special treatment.
What did Dr. Hafez and Leila discover in the valley of the Nobles?
They discovered a tomb with paintings of birds and animals. There was some jewelry.
What were the papers Leila read about?
They were about the latest developments in archaeological research.
What was Martin doing when she woke up? What did he say?
He was looking at the papers in the pocket of the seat. He said he was looking for his in-flight magazine.
Why didn’t Leila take a good sight of Lima before landing?
There was a thick cloud over Lima.
How did Leila feel when the plane was landing?
She was nervous.
Why did Leila pretend not to see Martin when he stood behind her?
After getting off the plane, she believed they became strangers.
When did those in the Customs let Leila through?
She said she was part of a UCNESCO archaeological project.
What made Leila decide to introduce Martin to Dr. Hafez?
Dr. Hafez was staring at Martin.
Why did Dr. Hafez look puzzled when he saw Martin?
Dr. Hafez believed he had met him before and that he was doing archaeological work.

B. Complete the following sentences:

As there was no direct flight to Lima, ……………………………...
Leila had to stay at a hotel at the airport until……………………...
As Leila had a window seat, she saw……………………………….
Martin was a man in his ….. with fair hair and …… face.
It was difficult to say that Martin's work was because ……………
Although Martin said he was a mining engineer, he said he was looking for places where …………………………………………...
Martin had an American passport but he …………………………..
Leila told Martin that the archaeological dig was part of a ………..
There are some similarities between the ancient Egyptians and……
When Leila was young, she used to love listening to ………………
Leila did her degree in Rome so that………………………………..
In the Valley of the Nobles, Dr. Hafez and Leila…………………...

Leila read the papers sent for Dr. Hafez which were about………...
As Martin was looking through the pocket where she had put the papers, he told her…………………………………………………...
Because of the thick cloud over Lima, Leila………………………...
As Leila would be working in the Cuzco area, Martin said………....
Leila pretended not to see Martin because…………………………..
At the Customs, Leila ……………………………………………….
When Dr. Hafez saw Martin, he……………………………………..
Martin denied that…………………………………………………....
They'd better hurry as………………………………………………..


………, Leila had to fly to New York and then change planes.
……… very early the next day to take the plane to Lima.
……… the tall buildings which shone in the sunlight.
……… mid- thirties with fair hair and a sun tanned face.
……… his appearance didn’t show anything about his work.
……… there were other interesting things to find.
………was born in South Africa.
………a UNESCO exchange programme.
………and the ancient peoples of South America.
………Dr. Hafez's stories about his work.
………people might not think he was giving her special treatment.
………discovered a tomb which had wonderful paintings of birds and animals on the walls.
………the latest developments in archaeological research.
………he was looking for the in-flight magazine
………she couldn’t get sight of Lima
………he might see her again.
………she didn’t want to talk to him.
………was asked about the laser machines.
………he asked him if they had met before
………he had met Dr. Hafez before.
……....the plane to Cuzco would leave soon.

C. Read the following quotations and then answer the questions:

1. "Are you going to Peru for a holiday?"
Who was the speaker and to whom was he speaking?
Why was that person going to Peru?
What was the speaker's job?
2. "I'm based in the United States, but I spend a few months in Peru".
Who was the speaker?
What was his nationality?
Describe the appearance of that person.
3. "You said you were going to Peru on business. Can I ask what kind of business?"
Who was the speaker and to whom was he speaking?
What was the answer given to that question?
How did the speaker feel on hearing the answer?
4. "What made you take up archaeology?".
a. Why did Leila take up archaeology?
b. Where did she do her degree?
c. Why did she refuse to study in Cairo?
5. "Here, have mine"
a. What did Leila offer Martin?
b. What made her do so?
c. Why did she pretend to sleep after that?
6. "There's nearly always this thick cloud over Lima, Disappointing, isn’t it?".
a. Why did Martin say this statement?
b. What was Leila's answer to her?
c. Why did Martin say he might see her again?
7. "Yes, of course. They asked me about it in Customs"
a. What was Leila talking about?
b. What do you know about it?
c. What made the Customs let her through?
8. "In the Machu Picchu area, wasn’t it? You were doing some archaeological work there".
a. Who was the speaker and to whom was he speaking?
b. Why was the speaker puzzled?
c. What did the man deny?


a. The speaker was Martin Lander. He was speaking to Leila
b. He had some work to do.
c. He said he was a mining engineer.
a. Martin Lander was the speaker.
b. He had an American passport but he was born in South Africa.
c. He was in his mid-thirty with fair hair and a sun-tanned face.
a. This was said by Martin Lander to Leila.
b. She told him about the archaeological dig as part of a UNESCO exchange programme.
c. He was interested in her work.
a. She was fascinated by what Dr. Hafez said about his work and decided to follow his footsteps.
b. She did it in Italy
c. She said people would think she was given special treatment.
a. She offered him her in-flight magazine
b. He said he couldn’t find his.
c. She wanted to know what he was looking for.
a. Leila was unable to see Lima well.
b. She said she was not going to stay in Lima. She was going to Cuzco.
c. He was going to Cuzco
a. She was talking about the Lazer machine.
b. It is a small laser machine that dates things.
c. When they knew she was part of a UNESCO archaeological project.
a. Dr. Hafez was speaking to Martin Lander.
b. He wanted to make sure Martin was the man he had met there.
c. The man denied they had met before.
إلا صلاتي
رد: شرح قصة 3 ث اللغة الإنجليزية
مُساهمة الإثنين نوفمبر 30, 2009 9:54 pm من طرف إلا صلاتي
Chapter 3
The flight to Cuzco

The plane to Cuzco was full as there was a big party of German tourists. They were probably going to visit Machu Picchu, the great Inca City that was lost hundreds of years.

Dr. Hafez was satisfied when he was reading the papers Leila had brought as it showed him that they were working along the right lines.

There were similarities and differences between the ways the Inca and the ancient Egyptians buried their dead.

1) Similarities
- They mummified their dead Kings
- They dressed them in beautiful clothes.
- They put gold masks on their faces.
- They put gold and silver objects their tombs.
- They put small gold figures of animals in their tombs
- They put food and drink in the tombs.

2) Differences
Every year at important festivals, the mummified kings were put on litters, dressed in fine clothes. They were taken through the streets.
The Incas killed women and servants and buried them with the King to take care of him in the next world.

Giving more information about Lander:-
Dr. Hafez told Leila that he was quite sure that he had met Lander before, his name wasn’t Lander though. He used to work for United Mining, but he got involved with some people who were taking Inca objects out of the country. Lander had to leave his job with United Mining and Dr. Hafez added that the United Mining wasn’t working in Peru then.

Dr. Hafez's advice:-
Dr. Hafez asked Leila if she had told Lander anything about their work, Leila felt sorry as she talked and told Lander information about the work, so Dr. Hafez advised her to be careful as there are people who come to Peru and dig up old Inca cities. They break into tombs they find gold and silver things.

These things should be in museums and take them out of the country. They sell these things to rich collectors. These people don’t care about the things of the past as they aren't archaeologists.

Dr. Hafez told Leila that there were two teams under his direction and she'd be in charge of one team with three local archaeologists as it was better to have small teams rather than one big team.

Why did Dr. Hafez send to Leila?
As he needed someone to understand and trust him. People in Peru speak different Languages, so sometimes he couldn't understand their English besides they have different ideas and views.

When they arrived at Cuzco, Amalia was waiting for them. Dr. Hafez introduced Leila to Amalia but Amalia seemed cold and unfriendly towards Liela. Although Leila had much more Luggage than Dr. Hafez. Amalia offered to help Dr. Hafez but Dr. Hafez refused. They went to the car and Amalia drove and Liela was thinking and hoped that she wouldn’t let Dr. Hafez down.

A. Questions & Answers:

1. Where were the excavations?
They were at a site about three hours by car from Cuzco
2. Why were the German tourists visiting that place?
They were going to Machu the great city that was lost for hundreds of years.
3. Why did Dr. Hafez say that Leila came at a good time?
They found a wall which they thought might be wall of a tomb two days before.
4. What made Dr Hafez think the tomb was royal?
There were some marks on the wall and a picture of a llama.
5. What were the similarities between the ways the Incas and the Egyptians buried their dead?
They used to put silver and gold objects beside the bodies of their kings. They dressed them in beautiful clothes. They put gold masks on their faces. They put food, drinks and gold figures of animals beside them.

6. What were the differences between the ancient Egyptians and the Incas?
At Festivals, the Incas put the mummified kings on litters, dressed them in fine clothes and were taken through the streets. They killed women and servants and buried them with the king.
7. What did Dr. Hafez say about Martin Landers?
He said Martin Landers was not his name. He left his work in mining and got involved in taking Inca objects out of the country
8. Why did Dr. Hafez ask Leila to be careful?
There were people who came to Peru to find gold and silver things and took them out of the country.
9. How did Dr. Hafez organize work in Peru?
He divided the people working with him into two teams. Leila was in charge of one team with three local archaeologists.
10. Who was waiting for Dr. Hafez and Leila? Describe her.
Amalia Guzman was waiting for them. She was a local archaeologist. She was about the same age as Leila and was wearing trousers, a shirt and a short overcoat.
11. What was the work of Amalia Guzman?
She was a local archaeologist working on their excavation.
12. What was strange when Amalia met Leila at the airport?
She looked at her without a smile and didn’t offer to help her with her luggage.

B. Complete the following sentences:

1. On the plane from Lima to Cuzco, Leila saw ……………………...
2. When Dr. Hafez read the papers brought by Leila, he said…………
3. In Machu Piccha, Dr. Hafez found a wall that …………………….
4. The sign of royal tomb was ………………………………………..
5. Both the ancient Egyptians and the ancient Incas put ……..
6. In festivals, the Incas put the mummified kings on ………………..
7. The Incas killed women and servants to ……………………………
8. Martin used to work for …………………………………………….
9. Martin left his work and got involved ……………………………...
10. Leila would be in charge of ………………………………………...
11. Leila was surprised when Dr. Hafez ……………………………….
12. During Landing, Leila ……………………………………………...
13. Amalia Guzman was ……………………………………………….
14. Amalia offered to …………………………………………………...
15. Amalia didn’t offer to help Leila although …………………………


1. ………, the coastal plain then green mountains.
2. ……… they were working on the right track.
3. ……… that might be of a royal tomb.
4. ……… the picture of a llama.
5. ……… gold and silver objects.
6. ………litters and took them through the streets.
7. ………to take care of the king in the next world.
8. ………of the man they met him.
9. ………in taking Inca objects out of the country.
10. ………work under his supervision.
11. ………one team with three archaeologists.
12. ………was pale and nervous.
13. ………a local archaeologist of nearly the same age as Leila.
14. ……… to help Dr. Hafez with luggage but he refused.
15. ………Leila was carrying more luggage.

C. Read the following quotations and then answer the questions:

1. "We're digging at a site near Quenco. It's about three hours from Cuzco"
a. Who were digging at that site?
b. Why did they dig at that site?
c. What did they find there?
2. "Two days ago, we found a wall in the city"
a. What do you know about that city?
b. What did Dr. Hafez believe the wall was?
c. What did the marks and the picture of a llama in it show?
3. "Did the Incas make mummies of their kings and queens?"
a. Who asked this question and to whom was it asked?
b. What did the Incas do with the mummified kings on festival?
c. Who did they bury with the kings? Why?
4. "The Incas killed the women and servants and buried them with the king"
a. Who said this statement and to whom was he speaking?
b. Why did the Incas do so?
c. Were the Incas similar to the Ancient Egyptians concerning this point?

5. "Well, I told him a little about it. But not much"
a. Who said this statement and to whom was he or she speaking?
b. What was the speaker referring to?
c. Why was it necessary not to tell anything about it?
6. "Don’t these collectors know the things are stolen"
a. What were the stolen things?
b. What was the answer to this question?
c. What advice did Dr. Hafez give concerning this point?
7. "I need to talk to you a little about our work and how we are organized."
a. How did Dr. Hafez organize their work?
b. What was Leila's responsibility?
c. How did she feel towards it?


1. a. Dr. Hafez and his group digging at that site.
b. They wanted to discover a royal tomb.
c. They found a wall of a tomb that might be royal.
2. a. The city was Quenco.
b. He believed it was the wall of a tomb and might be of a king.
c. The marks and the picture of a llama showed it might be royal.
3. a. Leila asked Dr. Hafez this question.
b. They were put on litters and dressed in fine clothes and taken through the streets.
c. They buried women and servants to take care of the king in the next world.
4. a. Dr. Hafez said it to Leila.
b. They wanted the women and servants take care of their kings in the next world.
c. No, the ancient Egyptians didn’t do so.
5. a. Leila said this statement to Dr. Hafez
b. He was referring to their work in Peru.
c. There were people who came to Peru to find gold and silver things and take them out of the country.
6. a. They were gold and silver things found in the tombs.
b. Dr. Hafez said some did but most of them didn’t care.
c. He advised Leila to be careful what she said and who she spoke to.
7. a. There were two teams under his direction.
b. She was in charge of a team with three local archaeologists.
c. She was surprised and she did not believe it was a good idea.
إلا صلاتي
رد: شرح قصة 3 ث اللغة الإنجليزية
مُساهمة الإثنين نوفمبر 30, 2009 9:56 pm من طرف إلا صلاتي
Chapter 4

The hill of the King
When Leila got to the camp, she went straight to bed as she was dead tired.
She woke up in the middle of the night and couldn’t get back to sleep again. That was jet lag. Her body thought day was night and night was day.
During breakfast Leila told Dr. Hafez that she had a bit of a headache. Dr. Hafez told her it was the effect of the altitude and she could go to meet Amalia and take some headache pills to be all right.

Dr. Hafez had to go to Quenco for a meeting. He was expecting a visit from the local UNESCO representative. Dr. Hafez was keen that the representative should get a good impression about his work… but why?

As UNESCO was supporting them till the end of the year. This was an important project for them and the Peruvian government and it was the first time there had been that kind of exchange.

What if Dr. Hafez and his team didn’t find anything important before the end of the Year?

The UNESCO wouldn’t support them for another year.
Leila went to see Amalia as her head was really hurting her. Amalia was working on one corner of the site, she gave Leila a couple of pills. Leila asked if Amalia could show her around the site. Although Amalia agreed she didn’t seem happy to show Leila around.

Before starting to explain, Amalia asked Leila how much she knew about the Inca civilization.

Leila answered she had done some work on the Incas when she was studying at the Italian Institute of Archaeology, and she had read Dr. Hafez's reports about the excavation.

In Amalia's opinion Leila was in Peru as Dr. Hafez was an old friend of her family, but Leila defended herself saying she was an experienced archaeologist and Dr. Hafez thought her experience would be useful in that excavation.

Amalia wanted to know where Leila worked with Dr. Hafez before, Leila said that she worked with Dr. Hafez in the valley of the Nobles in Luxor and they excavated the tomb of Sennofer together.

Amalia showed Leila the site; it was quite similar to Machu Picchu.

Leila could see people working Dr. Hafez had told her there were about twenty people working on the project. There were foundations of walls. Everywhere people were carefully brushing away earth.

Amalia told Leila that they may have found a tomb of a Chimu King. The Chimu sometimes built their tombs in hillsides like that and that hill is called "Hill of the King".

The Incas conquered the Chimu but they allowed their Kings to rule if they were loyal to the Incas.

The Incas sent the Chimu Kings' sons to Cuzco to make sure their Fathers were loyal.

"Amalia said they had found some bits of pottery and the bones of some animals and there was an entrance hall where the priests carried out their rituals. It was thought that there was a tomb behind that wall but they wouldn’t know what lay behind until they made a hole in the wall.

One of the workers Ramon shouted, Amalia and Leila went over to him. Ramon found a gold figure of a child. The Incas sacrificed children to please their gods. They put these gold figures beside the body of the little girl or boy. Ramon said a person's life didn’t have much value for the Incas.

Who was Pablo?

Pablo Alvarez worked for the Peruvian Ministry of Culture. He was also on the committee which advised the UNESCO representative about the project. He made a note of everything they found.
When Pablo saw the gold figure he said it was so beautiful and so sad.

Amalia introduced Leila to Pablo
Pablo talked about the Inca culture he was very proud of it as it was a great civilization. The Incas built great cities and made beautiful things. Pablo said that they let the foreigners to excavate their ancient cities but they have to keep the things they find in Peru where they belong as there are many robbers who come to steal their culture and sell it to rich collectors.

Pablo and Leila agreed that they wouldn’t let anything fall into the hands of the thieves.

Three days later Leila wrote an email to Samira.

Leila said that they hadn’t found the treasure but it was amazing day. They opened the wall of a tomb. It may have been a tomb of a king. She was amazed by the wall as the blocks of stone were so beautifully cut. They had to work very slowly and carefully as they didn’t want to damage them. After making a hole, Ramón got into the tomb first as he was small enough to get through the hole. When Ramon went down the tomb, Dr. Hafez asked what he could see Ramón replied some bites of pottery and some human bones. Ramon put a ladder down and fixed it Dr. Hafez ordered to get all the equipment ready to start the exploration the next day. One thing was worrying Leila and it was Amalia as Amalia obviously didn’t like Liela, as Leila was in charge of Amalia's team.

A. Questions & Answers

1. How did the jet-lag and altitude affect Leila?
She was dead tired and could not adjust to the time difference and the altitude.
2. How did Leila treat the headache?
She took a couple of headache pills from Amalia.
3. Why did Dr. Hafez want the UNESCO representative to get a good impression about their work?
If they found something important, the UNESCO would support them the next year.
4. How did Amalia feel towards Leila? Why?
She was not friendly because she was responsible for her team.
5. How did Leila know about the Inca civilization?
She had her studies in Italy and she read Dr. Hafez's report of the excavation.
6. What did Amalia think the cause of Leila's coming to Peru?
She believed Leila came because Dr Hafez was a friend of her family.

7. How did Leila defend herself?
She said she was an experienced archaeologist and she and Dr. Hafez had excavated Sennofer's tomb in Luxor.
8. What did Leila see on the site?
She saw huts and people working.
9. Why did Amalia think they would have a good discovery?
They found a kind of entrance hall where the priests carried out their rituals. The hill is called "The hill of the king"
10. What did Ramon find? What did this mean?
He found a gold figure of a child. A person's life didn’t have much value to the Incas.
11. What was Pablo's work?
He worked for the Ministry of Culture and was on the committee that advised the UNESCO representative.
12. Why did Ramon call Pablo?
He called Pablo to make a note of his discovery.
13. What was the great problem that Peruvians and Egyptians faced?
The great problem was the thieves that stole valuables from the tombs.
14. How did they make a hole in the wall?
They removed blocks of stone carefully.
15. Why was Ramón chosen to go down the tombs?
He was small enough to get through the hole.
16. How was Ramon's safety ensured?
Dr. Hafez wrapped one end of a rope to his body and the other end was tied round Ramon's waist.
17. What did Ramon see at the bottom of the tomb?
He saw some bits of pottery and human bones.

B. Complete the following sentences:

1. Leila could not get back to sleep because ………………
2. Leila treated her headache by …………………………..
3. Dr. Hafez wanted the UNESCO representative to get a good impression in order to …………………………………...
4. The UNESCO would not support them the next year unless…
5. While Amalia was showing Leila around, Leila felt …………
6. Amalia had the idea that Liela came to Peru only because ……
7. Leila defended herself by saying that ………………………….
8. Leila had worked with Dr. Hafez in Egypt…………………….
9. In the "Hill of the King" Amalia thought ……………………..
10. At the entrance hall, the priests ……………………………….
11. Ramon shouted when …………………………………………
12. The Incas sacrificed children so that …………………………
13. The Incas put gold figures beside ……………………………..
14. Pablo worked for ………………………………………………
15. Pablo made a note of everything they found because …………
16. Both the Inca and the ancient Egyptian heritages are liable to ….
17. Ramón could go through the hole because ………………………..
18. At the bottom of the tomb, Ramon found …………………………
19. Leila told her sister that Amalia ……………………………


1. …….of the jet-lag and the altitude
2. ……..taking two pills.
3. ……..to support their project the next year.
4. ……..they found something important.
5. ……..she was not friendly.
6. ……..Dr. Hafez was a friend of her family.
7. ……..she was an experienced archaeologist that Dr. Hafez wanted in his work.
8. ……..and they excavated the tomb of Sennofer in the valley of the nobles in Luxor
9. ……..they might find a tomb of a Chimu King.
10. ……..carried out their rituals.
11. ……..he found a gold figure of a child.
12. ……..they would please the gods.
13. ……..the body of little boy or girl.

14. ……..the Peruvian Ministry of Culture.
15. ……..it belonged to the Peruvian people.
16. ……..he was small enough to get through the hole.
17. ……..to be stolen and sold to rich collectors.
18. ……..human bones and some bits of pottery.
19. ……..didn't like the fact that Leila was Dr. Hafez's assistant and was in charge of her team.

C. Read the following quotations then answer the questions:

1. "That will be the altitude. Go and see Amalia".
a. What was caused by the altitude?
b. Why did Dr. Hafez ask Leila to see Amalia?
c. Where was Dr. Hafez going and why?
2. "Amalia will show you around the site and tell you what we've done"
a. How did Amalia feel while showing Leila around?
b. What was the unfriendly discussion that took place between them?
c. Describe the site as seen by Leila?
3. "I've worked with Dr. Hafez before. But don’t get the wrong idea"
a. Where had Leila worked with Dr. Hafez before?
b. What was the wrong idea Amalia had?
c. How did Leila defend herself?
4. "It's a gold figure of a child"
a. Who found that gold figure?
b. Why did the Incas sacrifice children?
c. Where did they put such gold figures?
5. "Ramon has gone to get Pablo Alvarez. We show Pablo everything we find here"
a. What was Pablo's work?
b. Why did they show Pablo everything they found?
c. To whom was the Inca heritage sold?
6. "We can't do any more today. We will get all our equipment ready to start our exploration of the tomb tomorrow?"
a. What did they do to the hole before leaving?
b. Why couldn’t they do any more that day?
c. What did they expect to have?
7. "One of the archaeologists here obviously doesn’t like me"
a. About whom did Leila speak to her sister?
b. What made Leila say so?
c. Why didn’t that person like Leila?


1. a. The headache and feeling tired were caused by it.
b. He asked her to take two pills from Amalia.
c. he was going to Quenco for a meeting.

2. a. Amalia was not happy to do so.
b. Amalia said Leila was in Peru because Dr. Hafez was a friend of her family.
c. it was a top of a rocky hill and there were huts near the excavation. People were brushing away earth.
3. a. She worked in the valley of the Nobles in Cuzco.
b. She believed Leila came to Peru because Dr. Hafez was a friend of the family.
c. She said she was an experienced archaeologist and Dr. Hafez needed her experience.
4. a. Ramon found it.
b. They wanted to please the gods.
c. They put the gold figures beside the body of the little boy or girl.
5. a. He worked for the Peruvian Ministry of Culture.
b. These things belonged to Peru, and Pablo was making notes on the things they found.
c. They were sold to rich collectors.
6. a. The hole was shut up.
b. As it was getting dark.
c. They expected to have a good discovery.
7. a. Amalia
b. She was unfriendly.
c. She didn’t like her to be Hafez's assistant and to be in charge of her team.
إلا صلاتي
رد: شرح قصة 3 ث اللغة الإنجليزية
مُساهمة الإثنين نوفمبر 30, 2009 10:00 pm من طرف إلا صلاتي
Chapter 4

The hill of the King
When Leila got to the camp, she went straight to bed as she was dead tired.
She woke up in the middle of the night and couldn’t get back to sleep again. That was jet lag. Her body thought day was night and night was day.
During breakfast Leila told Dr. Hafez that she had a bit of a headache. Dr. Hafez told her it was the effect of the altitude and she could go to meet Amalia and take some headache pills to be all right.

Dr. Hafez had to go to Quenco for a meeting. He was expecting a visit from the local UNESCO representative. Dr. Hafez was keen that the representative should get a good impression about his work… but why?

As UNESCO was supporting them till the end of the year. This was an important project for them and the Peruvian government and it was the first time there had been that kind of exchange.

What if Dr. Hafez and his team didn’t find anything important before the end of the Year?

The UNESCO wouldn’t support them for another year.
Leila went to see Amalia as her head was really hurting her. Amalia was working on one corner of the site, she gave Leila a couple of pills. Leila asked if Amalia could show her around the site. Although Amalia agreed she didn’t seem happy to show Leila around.

Before starting to explain, Amalia asked Leila how much she knew about the Inca civilization.

Leila answered she had done some work on the Incas when she was studying at the Italian Institute of Archaeology, and she had read Dr. Hafez's reports about the excavation.

In Amalia's opinion Leila was in Peru as Dr. Hafez was an old friend of her family, but Leila defended herself saying she was an experienced archaeologist and Dr. Hafez thought her experience would be useful in that excavation.

Amalia wanted to know where Leila worked with Dr. Hafez before, Leila said that she worked with Dr. Hafez in the valley of the Nobles in Luxor and they excavated the tomb of Sennofer together.

Amalia showed Leila the site; it was quite similar to Machu Picchu.

Leila could see people working Dr. Hafez had told her there were about twenty people working on the project. There were foundations of walls. Everywhere people were carefully brushing away earth.

Amalia told Leila that they may have found a tomb of a Chimu King. The Chimu sometimes built their tombs in hillsides like that and that hill is called "Hill of the King".

The Incas conquered the Chimu but they allowed their Kings to rule if they were loyal to the Incas.

The Incas sent the Chimu Kings' sons to Cuzco to make sure their Fathers were loyal.

"Amalia said they had found some bits of pottery and the bones of some animals and there was an entrance hall where the priests carried out their rituals. It was thought that there was a tomb behind that wall but they wouldn’t know what lay behind until they made a hole in the wall.

One of the workers Ramon shouted, Amalia and Leila went over to him. Ramon found a gold figure of a child. The Incas sacrificed children to please their gods. They put these gold figures beside the body of the little girl or boy. Ramon said a person's life didn’t have much value for the Incas.

Who was Pablo?

Pablo Alvarez worked for the Peruvian Ministry of Culture. He was also on the committee which advised the UNESCO representative about the project. He made a note of everything they found.
When Pablo saw the gold figure he said it was so beautiful and so sad.

Amalia introduced Leila to Pablo
Pablo talked about the Inca culture he was very proud of it as it was a great civilization. The Incas built great cities and made beautiful things. Pablo said that they let the foreigners to excavate their ancient cities but they have to keep the things they find in Peru where they belong as there are many robbers who come to steal their culture and sell it to rich collectors.

Pablo and Leila agreed that they wouldn’t let anything fall into the hands of the thieves.

Three days later Leila wrote an email to Samira.

Leila said that they hadn’t found the treasure but it was amazing day. They opened the wall of a tomb. It may have been a tomb of a king. She was amazed by the wall as the blocks of stone were so beautifully cut. They had to work very slowly and carefully as they didn’t want to damage them. After making a hole, Ramón got into the tomb first as he was small enough to get through the hole. When Ramon went down the tomb, Dr. Hafez asked what he could see Ramón replied some bites of pottery and some human bones. Ramon put a ladder down and fixed it Dr. Hafez ordered to get all the equipment ready to start the exploration the next day. One thing was worrying Leila and it was Amalia as Amalia obviously didn’t like Liela, as Leila was in charge of Amalia's team.

A. Questions & Answers

1. How did the jet-lag and altitude affect Leila?
She was dead tired and could not adjust to the time difference and the altitude.
2. How did Leila treat the headache?
She took a couple of headache pills from Amalia.
3. Why did Dr. Hafez want the UNESCO representative to get a good impression about their work?
If they found something important, the UNESCO would support them the next year.
4. How did Amalia feel towards Leila? Why?
She was not friendly because she was responsible for her team.
5. How did Leila know about the Inca civilization?
She had her studies in Italy and she read Dr. Hafez's report of the excavation.
6. What did Amalia think the cause of Leila's coming to Peru?
She believed Leila came because Dr Hafez was a friend of her family.

7. How did Leila defend herself?
She said she was an experienced archaeologist and she and Dr. Hafez had excavated Sennofer's tomb in Luxor.
8. What did Leila see on the site?
She saw huts and people working.
9. Why did Amalia think they would have a good discovery?
They found a kind of entrance hall where the priests carried out their rituals. The hill is called "The hill of the king"
10. What did Ramon find? What did this mean?
He found a gold figure of a child. A person's life didn’t have much value to the Incas.
11. What was Pablo's work?
He worked for the Ministry of Culture and was on the committee that advised the UNESCO representative.
12. Why did Ramon call Pablo?
He called Pablo to make a note of his discovery.
13. What was the great problem that Peruvians and Egyptians faced?
The great problem was the thieves that stole valuables from the tombs.
14. How did they make a hole in the wall?
They removed blocks of stone carefully.
15. Why was Ramón chosen to go down the tombs?
He was small enough to get through the hole.
16. How was Ramon's safety ensured?
Dr. Hafez wrapped one end of a rope to his body and the other end was tied round Ramon's waist.
17. What did Ramon see at the bottom of the tomb?
He saw some bits of pottery and human bones.

B. Complete the following sentences:

1. Leila could not get back to sleep because ………………
2. Leila treated her headache by …………………………..
3. Dr. Hafez wanted the UNESCO representative to get a good impression in order to …………………………………...
4. The UNESCO would not support them the next year unless…
5. While Amalia was showing Leila around, Leila felt …………
6. Amalia had the idea that Liela came to Peru only because ……
7. Leila defended herself by saying that ………………………….
8. Leila had worked with Dr. Hafez in Egypt…………………….
9. In the "Hill of the King" Amalia thought ……………………..
10. At the entrance hall, the priests ……………………………….
11. Ramon shouted when …………………………………………
12. The Incas sacrificed children so that …………………………
13. The Incas put gold figures beside ……………………………..
14. Pablo worked for ………………………………………………
15. Pablo made a note of everything they found because …………
16. Both the Inca and the ancient Egyptian heritages are liable to ….
17. Ramón could go through the hole because ………………………..
18. At the bottom of the tomb, Ramon found …………………………
19. Leila told her sister that Amalia ……………………………


1. …….of the jet-lag and the altitude
2. ……..taking two pills.
3. ……..to support their project the next year.
4. ……..they found something important.
5. ……..she was not friendly.
6. ……..Dr. Hafez was a friend of her family.
7. ……..she was an experienced archaeologist that Dr. Hafez wanted in his work.
8. ……..and they excavated the tomb of Sennofer in the valley of the nobles in Luxor
9. ……..they might find a tomb of a Chimu King.
10. ……..carried out their rituals.
11. ……..he found a gold figure of a child.
12. ……..they would please the gods.
13. ……..the body of little boy or girl.

14. ……..the Peruvian Ministry of Culture.
15. ……..it belonged to the Peruvian people.
16. ……..he was small enough to get through the hole.
17. ……..to be stolen and sold to rich collectors.
18. ……..human bones and some bits of pottery.
19. ……..didn't like the fact that Leila was Dr. Hafez's assistant and was in charge of her team.

C. Read the following quotations then answer the questions:

1. "That will be the altitude. Go and see Amalia".
a. What was caused by the altitude?
b. Why did Dr. Hafez ask Leila to see Amalia?
c. Where was Dr. Hafez going and why?
2. "Amalia will show you around the site and tell you what we've done"
a. How did Amalia feel while showing Leila around?
b. What was the unfriendly discussion that took place between them?
c. Describe the site as seen by Leila?
3. "I've worked with Dr. Hafez before. But don’t get the wrong idea"
a. Where had Leila worked with Dr. Hafez before?
b. What was the wrong idea Amalia had?
c. How did Leila defend herself?
4. "It's a gold figure of a child"
a. Who found that gold figure?
b. Why did the Incas sacrifice children?
c. Where did they put such gold figures?
5. "Ramon has gone to get Pablo Alvarez. We show Pablo everything we find here"
a. What was Pablo's work?
b. Why did they show Pablo everything they found?
c. To whom was the Inca heritage sold?
6. "We can't do any more today. We will get all our equipment ready to start our exploration of the tomb tomorrow?"
a. What did they do to the hole before leaving?
b. Why couldn’t they do any more that day?
c. What did they expect to have?
7. "One of the archaeologists here obviously doesn’t like me"
a. About whom did Leila speak to her sister?
b. What made Leila say so?
c. Why didn’t that person like Leila?


1. a. The headache and feeling tired were caused by it.
b. He asked her to take two pills from Amalia.
c. he was going to Quenco for a meeting.

2. a. Amalia was not happy to do so.
b. Amalia said Leila was in Peru because Dr. Hafez was a friend of her family.
c. it was a top of a rocky hill and there were huts near the excavation. People were brushing away earth.
3. a. She worked in the valley of the Nobles in Cuzco.
b. She believed Leila came to Peru because Dr. Hafez was a friend of the family.
c. She said she was an experienced archaeologist and Dr. Hafez needed her experience.
4. a. Ramon found it.
b. They wanted to please the gods.
c. They put the gold figures beside the body of the little boy or girl.
5. a. He worked for the Peruvian Ministry of Culture.
b. These things belonged to Peru, and Pablo was making notes on the things they found.
c. They were sold to rich collectors.
6. a. The hole was shut up.
b. As it was getting dark.
c. They expected to have a good discovery.
7. a. Amalia
b. She was unfriendly.
c. She didn’t like her to be Hafez's assistant and to be in charge of her team.
إلا صلاتي
رد: شرح قصة 3 ث اللغة الإنجليزية
مُساهمة الإثنين نوفمبر 30, 2009 10:04 pm من طرف إلا صلاتي
Chapter 5
A meeting in Quenco

Leila could hardly believe what she'd written to Samira. Dr Hafez thought there was a royal tomb in the City. Now it seemed he was right. Leila was worried and upset that Amalia was unfriendly to her so she went to find Dr. Hafez. Dr. Hafez was sitting in front of his lap-top computer as he was having problems with it. He'd have to go to Quenco and see if they could help, so Leila was disappointed as she was eager to explore the tomb.

Leila asked Dr. Hafez his advice as Amalia was unfriendly towards her. Dr. Hafez asked why? Leila said maybe because she was in charge of Amalia's team and she was his assistant.

Dr. Hafez told Leila not to be silly as they were of the same age and they were both archaeologists.

He said that Amalia was a good archaeologist. She knew a lot about these tombs and she did a lot of good work on that excavation so they would get along better when they started work.

Dr. Hafez asked Leila to go with him to Quenco to take a look around the town while he was busy as there were some interesting Spanish style houses and squares in the old part of town.

So next morning Amalia drove them to Quenco as Dr. Hafez didn’t like driving especially in foreign country.

Dr. Hafez went to the project office but Liela decided to wander off into the old part of the town. Women dressed in colourful hats and dresses sat in the sunshine. Children ran after Leila laughing and clapping their hands. It was shot and Leila was feeling a little tired. She still had a bit of a headache; it was a combination of jet-lag and the effect of the altitude. Leila looked for a coffee to have a cool drink.

People were sitting outside the café drinking coffee in the sunshine, but Liela was hot and wanted a table out of the sun. Leila saw Lander sitting with

Amalia. Leila saw Lander sitting with Amalia. Leila inquired what Lander was doing. Amalia seemed to be upset as she was shaking her head.

Leila stood on the door way watching them, she noticed Pablo cross the square and go in the direction of the UNESCO office. The clocks in the church tower stroke twelve. It was her appointment with Dr. Hafez. Leila decided to go back and tell Dr. Hafez. Leila found her way to the Hotel Grande where Dr. Hafez was waiting her outside.

Leila said "Dr. Hafez. Quick! Come with me. I have to show you something." Leila led Dr. Hafez back where she saw Lander sitting with Amalia , but two other persons were sitting instead Dr. Hafez asked Leila if she was sure and he said that he couldn’t believe Amalia would do anything wrong, as he trusted her.

Dr. Hafez advised Leila not to be suspicious and worried about everything. Dr. Hafez and Leila had a lunch in a restaurant. He said that he had his computer fixed and saw the UNESCO people.

They went back to camp.

Leila got out her lap-top and logged onto the internet. She called up the United Mining Website. She found that United Mining ended its work in Peru in 1999 and there were no plans to survey or mine in Peru.

Leila was quite sure that Lander was lying.

A. Questions & Answers:

1. Why had Dr Hafez to go to Quenco?
He would meet the UNESCO people and he would have his computer fixed.
2. What did Dr. Hafez say bout the exploration fo the tomb?
He said they would start exploration the day after the next day.
3. What did Leila tell Dr. Hafez about Amalia?
She told him Amalia was unfriendly to her.
4. What was Dr. Hafez's advice about that matter?
He advised Leila to be friends as they were about the same age.
5. What was Dr. Hafez's opinion of Amalia?
She was a good archaeologist.

6. What could Leila see in Quenco?
She could see interesting churches and squares and the old town.
7. How were the women in Quenco dressed? What were they doing?
Women were dressed in colourful dresses and hats. They were sitting in the sunshine.
8. Why did Leila need to sit down and have a drink?
She was hot and felt a little tired. She had a bit of a headache.
9. What did Leila decide to do when she saw Amalia sitting in the café?
She decided to go to her and carry out Dr. Hafez's advice.
10. What made Leila stop dead?
She stopped dead when she saw Martin Lander sitting with her.
11. What did Leila want to show Dr. Hafez when she met him?
She wanted to show him Amalia sitting with Martin Lander.
12. Why did Dr. Hafez think Leila was suspicious?
As two other persons were sitting instead and he trusted Amalia and couldn’t believe she would do anything wrong.
13. What knowledge did Leila get through the internet?
She found out that the United Mining operations ended in Peru in 1999.
14. Why did Leila think Martin Lander was a liar?
He was a liar because he was not working in the United Mining as he had said.

B. Complete the following sentences:

1. Leila was upset because Amalia………………………………
2. Dr. Hafez would meet the UNESCO people before…………..
3. Leila attributed Amalia's being unfriendly to ………………….
4. At Quenco, Leila wandered…………………………………….
5. Feeling a little tired, Leila decided to ………………………….
6. In order not to be seen by Amalia, Leila……………………….
7. When Leila met Dr. Hafez, she quickly…………………………
8. Dr. Hafez was sure Amalia…………………………………….
9. Dr. Hafez would have a word with Amalia about……………...
10. Being worried, Liela logged on the internet in order………….
11. As United Mining operations ended in 1999, Leila……………


1. ………was not friendly with her.
2. ………they came to inspect them.
3. ………being Dr Hafez assistant and she was in her team.
4. ………into the old part of the town.
5. ………to sit at a café and to have a cool drink.
6. ………stood in a doorway.
7. ………took him to the café to show him Amalia sitting with Lander.
8. ………would not do anything wrong.
9. ………sitting with Martin Lander.
10. ………to find out about the United Mining.
11. ………became sure Martin Lander was a liar.

C. Read the following quotations and then answer the questions:

1. "Hello Leila. No, I'm having a problem with my computer"
a. How would Dr. Hafez have his computer fixed?
b. What else would Dr. Hafez do in Quenco?
c. Why did Leila meet him?
2. "Amalia. She isn’t very friendly towards me"
a. Why did Leila think Amalia was not friendly towards her?
b. What was Dr. Hafez's response?
c. What advice did he give Leila?
3. "There was someone I knew sitting at one of the tables. It was Amalia"
a. Where was Amalia sitting?
b. What did Leila decide to do when she saw her?
c. What made her change her mind?
4. "As I stood in the doorway watching them, I noticed Pablo was crossing the square".
a. Who was Leila watching?
b. Why was Leila standing in the doorway?
c. What was the work of Pablo?
5. "Martin Lander, I think that they were sitting at that table"
a. Who was sitting with Martin Lander?
b. What had Dr. Hafez said about Martin Lander?
c. What was Dr. Hafez's opinion when he heard this statement?
6. "I've got my computer fixed and seen the UNESCO people"
a. How did Dr. Hafez get his computer fixed?
b. What made Dr. Hafez see the UNESCO people?
c. What would Dr. Hafez do the next day?
7. "I looked at the screen. I was right. Martin Lander was lying"
a. Who looked at the screen?
b. How was the speaker right?
c. What was the lie said by Martin Lander?


1. a. He would go to his office in Quenco.
b. He would see the UNESCO people
c. She wanted to tell him about Amalia being unfriendly to her.
2. a. She thought being his assistant or being under her charge.
b. He believed she was too suspicious.
c. He advised her to be her friend.
3. a. She was sitting at a café.
b. She decided to be friendly and sit with her.
c. She saw Martin Lander sitting with her.
4. a. She was watching Amalia and Martin Lander.
b. She wanted to hide herself.
c. Pablo works for the Peruvian Ministry of Culture.
5. a. Amalia was sitting with him.
b. He said Martin Lander was not his real name. he got involved with some people who were taking Inca objects out of the country.
c. He believed Amalia wouldn’t do anything wrong.
6. a. Those in his office helped him to fix it.
b. He wanted to see them before they came to inspect them.
c. They would go into the tomb the next day.
7. a. Leila did it.
b. She was right when she suspected Martin Lander.
c. He said he was working in the United Mining and the computer said its operations ended on Peru in 1999.

إلا صلاتي
رد: شرح قصة 3 ث اللغة الإنجليزية
مُساهمة الإثنين نوفمبر 30, 2009 10:06 pm من طرف إلا صلاتي

Chapter 6
Inside the Tomb

The next day Dr. Hafez, Leila, Amalia and Ramon went into the tomb. Ramon and the other workers had made the hole in the wall wider. Inside the tomb the only air came from the hole they had made. They started to look around. They found some bits of pottery and human bones as Ramon said. The human bones "skeleton" was near the centre of the cave. The skeleton was in a sitting position. There were some small pieces of cloth. They looked closer at the body. Leila gasped so did the others. The skull was broken and there was a big crack across it.

"He might have been killed" It was Dr. Hafez's opinion, but Liela said "But the skull could have been broken by falling rocks."

Dr. Hafez smiled and said they had to keep both possibilities in mind until they had proof that one was correct.

Dr. Hafez said if they found a gold mask, they would be sure it was a king's tomb. Dr. Hafez used the laser machine to date the cloth. Pablo asked about the machine, so Dr. Hafez explained that it was the latest way of dating cloth.

The machine read 1400. Pablo said it was in the middle of the Inca period. That was a good start. They spent the rest of the morning taking a close look at the area around the body. It was hard work inside the tomb as there wasn’t much air in the cave and they were bending over earth all day.

They used little towels to clear away the earth and then they used little brushes to clean the stones and bricks. They had a break in the middle of the morning and another at mid-day. After a few days of work Leila was tired and her back hurt. One morning she was sitting outside the tomb having a drink of water, Amalia came and sat beside her.

Amalia asked if Leila was all right. Leila said she was a bit tired and asked if this tomb was royal.

Amalia said that they wouldn’t be sure unless they found something definite. Leila told Amalia that she saw her sitting with Lander in Quenco. They were having a drink. Amalia said that she had known Lander for years and he worked for United Mining.

The work went on and Leila got used to it and to the altitude.

Leila e-mailed Samira. Leila said that she was found something important and it might prove that the tomb was royal.

They were working hard and it was nearly the end of the day. They had finished working and Leila was just starting to pack away her tools. She kept them in a bag. She picked up the bag to put the tools in the bag brushed away some of the earth below it and she saw something shiny on the ground. Leila got her brush out again and brushed more of the earth away. The head of an animal appeared.

Leila was really excited. The others started to leave the tomb. Dr Hafez said "It's time to stop working you have done enough for the day".

Leila said "Dr. Hafez. I think I've found something".

Dr. Hafez and the other rushed. Leila showed them the head of the animal. They all started brushing away the earth form the figure. It was tiny. It was a gold Llama.

Dr. Hafez said the Incas used Llamas like we used camels. They hadn’t invented the wheel, so everything was carried on the backs of Llamas.

The gold llama meant that it was the tomb of somebody important. The Incas only left gold figures in the tombs of kings and nobles. This gold llama made it more likely that it was a royal tomb. They need to find a gold mask to be absolutely sure.

Dr. Hafez insisted on taking Leila a photo holding the gold llama.

Dr. Hafez took his team out for dinner at the best restaurant in town but Leila decided to stay at the site to tell her sister Samira about her discovery. When Leila finished her e-mail, she didn’t feel tired and she was sorry as she hadn’t gone with them.

Leila closed her lap-top and she stepped outside. Leila decided to walk over to the tomb. Leila found that the door wasn’t completely closed. It had been left slightly open. Leila walked to close the door when she noticed that there was a light coming form inside the tomb. Leila's curiosity was greater than her nervousness. She crept up to the entrance and opened it a bit further; she looked down into the cave. A man was kneeling. There was a lamp beside him on the ground. Leila guessed who it was before she could see his face.

A. Questions & Answers:

1. How did they go into the tomb?
They climbed down the ladder to the floor.
2. What did they find in the tomb?
They found the bones of a man in a sitting position.
3. What was the cause of the crack in the skull according to Dr. Hafez?
Dr Hafez believed the man might have been killed.
4. What was Leila's comment on Dr. Hafez's opinion?
She commented that rocks might have fallen on it.
5. When could they say the tomb was that of a king?
They could say so when they found a gold mask.
6. What was the machine Leila brought from Egypt?
It was the laser-dating machine.
7. When did they use the machine? What result did they come to?
They used it when they found small pieces of cloth. They dated to the middle of the Inca period.
8. What did the Incas bury with an important person?
They buried precious things.
9. Why was the work in the tomb tiring?
They were bending over the earth all day. There wasn’t much air inside the tomb.
10. Why did Leila's back hurt?
She worked hard bending over the earth for a few days.
11. How did Amalia look when she came to speak to Leila?
She looked worried.
12. Why did they need to find something definite soon?
They wanted to make sure it was royal tomb before the UNESCO inspection.
13. What did Amalia say about Martin Lander?
She said she had known him for years. He worked for United Mining.
14. What important thing did Leila discover?
She discovered a gold llama.
15. What was Leila doing when she found it?
She was packing away her tools.

16. What did the Incas use llama for?
They used llama for carrying loads.
17. What did they need to find in order to be definite it was a royal tomb?
They needed to find a gold mask.
18. How long was that figure of llama lying in the tomb?
It was there for more than five hundred years.
19. What did Leila attach to the e-mail she sent to her sister?
She attached the digital image
20. Where did Dr. Hafez decide to have dinner for all of them?
He decided to have diner at the best restaurant in Quenco.
21. Why didn’t Leila go with them?
She decided to send her sister an e-mail.
22. What did Leila notice about the door when she went to the tomb?
It was not completely closed.
23. Why was Leila's curiosity greater than her nervousness?
She wanted to find out who was inside the tomb.
24. What did she see when she looked down into the cave?
There was a man kneeling on the floor.

B. Complete the following sentences:

1. The workers had put a ladder inside the cave so that…………
2. The cave was cool and dry inside because ………………………….
3. The human bones they found were clearly…………………………..
4. They gasped when they looked closer at the body as they saw……...
5. Dr. Hafez said the skull was broken because of the possibility that …...
6. Leila suggested another possibility that……………………………...
7. To date the cloth, Dr. Hafez………………………………………….
8. The cloth dated back to ……………………………………………...
9. When an important person was buried, they put…………………….
10. The work inside the cave was tiring because……………………….
11. They needed to find something important soon to…………………...
12. Amalia said it was a coincidence that Martin Lander……………….
13. Leila sent her sister an e-mail to tell her……………………………..
14. It was a big day when Leila………………………………………….
15. The gold figure of llama was………………………………………....
16. Dr. Hafez insisted on talking a photo of Leila……………………….
17. Leila attached the digital image……………………………………...
18. They went to the town because Dr. Hafez…………………………...
19. Leila decided to stay at the site to…………………………………...

20. The entrance of the tomb was always closed up when……………….
21. Leila found the entrance……………………………………………..
22. When Leila looked down the cave,………………………………….


1. …………they could go to the bottom
2. …………the only air came from the hole they had made.
3. …………the bones of a man.
4. …………a big crack across the skull.
5. …………he might have been killed.
6. …………it could have been broken by falling rocks.
7. …………used the laser dating machine.
8. …………the middle of the Inca period.
9. ………….they buried precious things with him.
10. ……….they were bending over the earth and there was not much air in the cave.
11. ……….to make sure ti was a royal tomb.
12. ……….was the man Leila met on the plane.
13. ……….that she had discovered a gold llama.
14. ……….discovered the gold llama.
15. ……….a great discovery.
16. ……….holding the golden llama.
17. ……….to the e-mail she sent to her sister.
18. ……….decided to take them all out of dinner.
19. ……….to tell her sister about her discovery.
20. ……….they ended a day's digging.
21. ……….was not completely closed.
22. ………., she saw a man kneeling.

C. Read the following quotations then answer the questions:

1. "The skull was broken and there was a big crack across it".
a. Where was that skull?
b. What were the two possibilities of that big crack across it?
c. When would they be sure that the skull was that of a king?
2. "But the first thing to do is to date this cloth".
a. Why was it necessary to date that cloth?
b. How did Dr. Hafez date it?
c. What did they find out about that cloth?
3. "We've only got a short time before the UNESCO inspection".
a. By whom and to whom was this statement said?
b. Why was the UNESCO inspection important?
c. What did they want to find during that short time?
4. "Martin Lander, What a coincidence. The world is a small place".
a. By whom and to whom was this statement said?
b. What was the coincidence the speaker referring to?
c. What did the speaker say about Martin's work?
5. "It is a llama. The Incas used Llamas like we used camels".
a. What was Dr. Hafez speaking about?
b. What did the Incas use the llama for?
c. What was the importance of finding that thing?
6. "I wondered if I should call him on my mobile phone and tell him I would come after all".
a. Who would Leila call on her mobile? Why?
b. What made her not go with them?
c. What did she decide to do in the end?
7. "I crept up to the entrance and opened it a bit further. I looked down into the cave".
a. How should the entrance have been?
b. What did Leila see when she looked down?
c. What was the meaning of all this?

1. a. It was in the tomb.
b. He might have been killed or it might have been broken by falling rocks.
c. They would be sure if they found a gold mask.
2. a. They wanted to know how old it was.
b. He used the laser dating machine.
c. It was about five hundred years old.
3. a. It was said by Amalia to Leila.
b. They wanted the UNESCO to support them the next year.
c. They wanted to find a gold mask or a precious thing.
4. a. It was said by Amalia to Leila.
b. Leila met Martin on the plane.
c. She said he worked for United Mining.
5. a. He was speaking about the gold figure of a llama found by Leila.
b. They were used for carrying loads on their backs.
c. It showed that the tomb was that of an important character.
6. a. She would call on Dr. Hafez. She wanted to change her opinion and go with them.
b. She wanted to write an e-mail to her sister.
c. She decided to walk over to the tomb.
7. a. The entrance should have been closed up.
b. She saw a man kneeling and beside him a small lamp.
c. It meant that a man was stealing something.
إلا صلاتي
رد: شرح قصة 3 ث اللغة الإنجليزية
مُساهمة الإثنين نوفمبر 30, 2009 10:07 pm من طرف إلا صلاتي
Chapter 7

Leila was angry as someone was in the tomb. Leila's anger made her forget her fear, so she climbed down the ladder into the cave. Leila blamed herself for not calling help as she was terribly afraid, so she hid behind a big rock.

The man sensed that he wasn’t alone, so he pointed his flashlight in different directions. He seemed to be in a hurry, so he went back to work.

No sooner did Leila start to move out from behind the rock than he turned round again and saw her.

Leila was brave as she told Lander that he was a liar and he wasn’t a mining engineer.

Lander defended himself saying that he was a mining engineer but he became more interested in other things. He described himself as a collector of artefacts.
Lander told Leila that she disturbed his work. Lander wished Leila a good night in the company of her great king and warned her not to try to follow him.
Lander climbed the ladder, pulled it up and closed the wooden door of the tomb.
Leila didn’t try to follow him or cry as no one would hear her.

Leila's nightmare
Liela was tired and fell to the ground. Leila saw a skeleton dressed in a king's clothes coming towards her, the skeleton was being carried on a litter by four men who looked like soldiers. The skeleton was followed by other skeletons. It was procession of dead kings. They surrounded her on all sides. The soldiers raised their swords and were about to attack, but Leila woke up and screamed.

How did Lander find the site easily?
Ramon said that it was easy for Lander to about their work as people in Cuzco and Quenco knew about their work.
• Leila suspected Amalia as she saw her sitting with Lander in Quenco.
• Dr. Hafez said that Amalia couldn’t have told Lander, but she might have something carelessly.
The police said that it wouldn’t be easy to arrest Martin Lander as he had a false name and a false passport. They thought that Lander might have left the country.
Amalia confirmed that she didn’t tell Lander about the work. She said Lander knew her father and he helped her to find her first job in archaeology.
When they returned to work again. Leila found a mask made of Gold. They were glad as it was a gold mask and the tomb was a royal.
Pablo was happy and took the gold mask to keep it in the safe. The next morning, they were shocked as the gold mask disappeared.

A. Questions & Answers:

1. What was Lander doing in the cave?
He was scraping the earth away from something on the floor..
2. Why did Leila have to hide?
She did not want the man to see her.
3. Where did Lander point his flashlight? Why?
He pointed it in different directions because he sensed he was not alone
4. Why did Leila start to move out of her hiding-place?
She wanted to see what he was doing.
5. Show that Leila was brave when she faced Lander.
She accused Lander of stealing what other people had found.
6. What did Lander call himself?
He called himself a collector who appreciated fine things.
7. How was Martin able to imprison Leila?
When he climbed up, he pulled the ladder up and closed the door.
8. What suffering did Leila have during her imprisonment in the tomb?
She was in complete darkness and had a nightmare.
9. What happened the next morning?
Dr Hafez came and saved Leila.
10. Whom did Leila suspect had told Lander about their work?
She suspected Amalia.
11. What did Dr. Hafez say about Leila's suspicions?
Dr. Hafez believed Amalia couldn’t have told Lander about work.
12. Where did the police think Lander might be?
They thought Lander might have left the country.
13. What was the relation between Amalia and Lander?
Martin knew her father. She was unhappy about something she would not like to talk about.

14. What did Amalia assert concerning Lander?
She said nothing about their work to him.
15. What was Leila's great discovery? Why was it important?
She discovered the mask of gold. It meant the tomb was royal.
16. Describe the mask of gold
It was a king's mask and was like the face of the sun.
17. What did Pablo say about keeping the mask of gold?
He said he would keep it in the safe.
18. Why were the police the next morning?
The gold mask disappeared.

B. Complete the following sentences:

1. Leila's anger that someone was in the tomb made her ……………………
2. Leila hid because …………………………………………………………
3. When Martin sensed that he was not alone,………………………………
4. When Leila moved, Martin……………………………………………….
5. Leila bravely faced Martin with the fact that …………………………….
6. Martin appreciated fine things and would like to add…………………….
7. Martin stole ………………………………………………..from the tomb
8. Martin was sure a gold mask……………………………………………...
9. To punish Leila, Martin …………………………………………………..
10. Leila spent a horrible night when Martin………………………………….
11. The nightmare Leila saw was about ……………………………………...
12. In the morning. Dr. Hafez helped Leila…………………………………..
13. Leila suspected that Amalia ………but Dr Hafez………………………..
14. Dr. Hafez decided to speak to Amalia in order to………………………...
15. Though the police would call the Immigration Department about Martin...
16. It wouldn’t be easy to catch Martin as……………………………………..
17. Concerning Martin, Amalia said…………………………………………...
18. Leila was able to discover……… which assured the tomb was royal.
19. Pablo said he would put the mask of gold………………………………...
20. The next day the police came as the mask………………………………..


1. ……….made her forget her fear
2. ……….she was afraid and did not want the man to see her.
3. ……….he pointed his flashlight in different directions.
4. ……….saw her.

5. ……….he was a thief.
6. ……….to his collection.
7. ……….some artefacts.
8. ……….was in the tomb.
9. ……….imprisoned her in the tomb when he left.
10. ……….trapped her in the tomb.
11. ……….a skeleton dressed in a king's clothes carried on a litter and the soldiers attacked her.
12. ……….to get out of the tomb.
13. ……….had told Lander about their work but Dr. Hafez defended Amalia.
14. ……….know the truth.
15. ……….he could not be caught because he had a false name and a false passport.
16. ……….he had a false name and a false passport.
17. ……….she had said nothing to him about their work.
18. ……….a gold mask
19. ……….in the safe.
20. ………had disappeared.

C. Read the following quotations then answer the questions:
1. "Why had I come into the cave instead of calling for help?"
a. What made Liela think so?
b. How did Leila go into the cave?
c. Where did she hide?
2. "You are partly right. I was a mining engineer, but I became more interested in other things".
a. Why did Martin say Leila was partly right?
b. How did Leila know he was not a mining engineer?
c. What were the other things he became more interested in?
3. "Miss El-Assaby, you have disturbed my work, but no matter. I must go now".
a. How did Mess El-Assaby disturb Martin's work?
b. What was the work Martin was doing?
c. How did Martin punish her?
4. "Oh, Dr. Hafez, I'm so glad you are here. And I told him what had happened".
a. Why was Leila glad to see Dr. Hafez?
b. What had happened to Leila?
c. What question did Dr. Hafez ask himself about what had happened?

5. "It couldn’t be Amalia. She wouldn’t do something like that".
a. What made Dr. Hafez say so?
b. What did Dr. Hafez decide to do concerning Amalia?
c. What was the result of what he did?
6. "They think that Lander may be out of the country"
a. Why did the police think so?
b. Why wouldn’t it be easy to catch Lander?
c. What was Lander's ambition?
7. "It's a king's mask. It 's like the face of the sun"
a. Who discovered that mask?
b. Why was that discovery important?
c. Where was the mask kept and what happened the second day?


1. a. She was terribly afraid.
b. She climbed down the ladder quietly.
c. She hid behind a big rock.
2. a. He did not work as a mining engineer.
b. She knew so by the internet.
c. He said he was a collector of fine things.
3. a. She climbed down into the tomb while he was taking artefacts.
b. He was stealing some artefacts.
c. He imprisoned her in the tomb when he left.
4. a. She was trapped in the tomb and needed help.
b. When Martin left the tomb, he pulled up the ladder and left her imprisoned in it.
c. He asked how he found the place so easily
5. a. He was sure Amalia would not do wrong.
b. He would speak to Amalia to find the truth.
c. She said she didn’t tell Martin anything about their work.
6. a. They were sure he would escape.
b. He had a false name and a false passport.
c. His ambition was to own the mask of gold.
7. a. Leila discovered it.
b. It proved that the tomb was royal.
c. The mask was kept in the safe. The second day it disappeared.
إلا صلاتي
رد: شرح قصة 3 ث اللغة الإنجليزية
مُساهمة الإثنين نوفمبر 30, 2009 10:11 pm من طرف إلا صلاتي
Chapter 8
The safe is empty

The safe was opened by a key and the mask disappeared.
The police put a special kind of powder on the safe to see whose fingerprints were there. They took everyone's fingerprints and searched everyone's things.
Leila was taken to the police station as the police found a gold rabbit among her work clothes.

Dr. Hafez commented that somebody wanted Leila to be blamed for the theft of the gold mask.
Later that day Amalia went to the police station to apologize to Leila as it was her fault that Leila was in the police station.

Why did Amalia put the gold rabbit among Leila's work clothes?
As Amalia wanted to be in charge but Dr. Hafez put Leila in charge. Leila found the gold mask, so her name would be in the newspapers and on TV.
Amalia told Leila that she had explained everything to the police, so she was free then.
Leila and Amalia decided to go to Acomayo as Martin Lander might had gone.

Why did Lander go to Acomayo?
As there was an excavation site there.
They called Dr. Hafez to tell him that they were going to Acomayo to catch Lander. The road to Acomayo was narrow and dangerous

A. Questions & Answers

1. What did the police find about the safe?
Its door was open but the lock had not been broken.
2. Where was Pablo that day?
He was in Quenco to meet the UNESCO people.
3. What were the steps taken by the police concerning the theft?
The police took the fingerprints of all people. They also searched everyone's things.
4. Why was Leila accused of theft?
The police found a gold rabbit in her work clothes.

5. Where was Leila imprisoned?
She was imprisoned in a police cell.
6. Why did Amalia go to Leila in her cell?
She asked to forgive her because Amalia had put the gold rabbit among Leila's clothes.
7. Howa was Leila set free?
When Amalia told the police what she had done, Leila was set free.
8. Why did Amalia keep her finding the gold rabbit a secret?
She wanted to get Leila into trouble by putting it in her clothes.
9. Where did Amalia put the gold rabbit? Why?
She put it among Leila's work clothes out of jealousy.
10. Where was Martin Lander at the time? Why?
He went to Acomayo as there was another excavation there.
11. How is communication in Peru? Why?
It was a problem because the roads were bad. It would take days if the weather was bad.
12. Why did Amalia and Leila decide to go to Acomayo?
There might be time to catch Martin Lander.
13. How did Amalia inform Dr. Hafez about their journey?
She telephoned him.
14. Why was their journey by car to Acomayo dangerous?
The cliffs were steep and the road was narrow. They were climbing higher into the mountains.

B. Complete the following sentences:

1. The mask was stolen by …………………………………………………
2. The thief had got a key of the safe as………………………………….
3. Pablo was at Quenco that day to……………………………………….
4. To find the thief, the police…………………………………………….
5. The police arrested Leila because………………………………………
6. As a result of the accusation. Leila was put……………………………
7. Leila burst into tears when she…………………………………………
8. Amalia went to Leila in her cell to ask her…………………………….
9. Leila was set free as a result of…………………………………………
10. Amalia and Leila decided to go to Acomayo so that…………………..
11. Amalia phoned Dr. Hafez to tell him……………………………………
12. It was difficult and dangerous to drive to Acomayo as…………………


1. ………by someone who had the keys of the safe.
2. ………the lock had not been broken
3. ………to meet the UNESCO people.
4. ………took the fingerprints of all the people and searched everyone's things.
5. ………they found a gold rabbit among her work clothes.
6. ………to prison
7. ………was put in a police cell.
8. ………to forgive her because she had put the gold rabbit among Leila's clothes.
9. ………Amalia's confession.
10. ………they might be able to catch Martin Lander.
11. ………that they were going to Acomayo.
12. ………the cliffs were steep and the road was narrow and they were climbing higher up the mountains.

C. Read following quotations then answer the questions

1. "Someone opened the door of the safe with a key"
a. Why was the safe opened?
b. How did the thief get into the hut?
c. Who was responsible for the safe? Where was he that day?
2. "Leila. The police chief wants to talk to you. Come to my office"
a. Why did the police chief want to talk to Leila?
b. How was Dr. Hafez after he talked to the police chief?
c. What did Leila say when the chief police talked to her?
3. "Forgive me because it is my fault you are here"
a. Who said this quotation and to whom?
b. Where were they?
c. What was the fault mentioned in the statement?
4. "There is another excavation taking place there. You probably didn’t know that"
a. By whom and to whom was this quotation said?
b. Where was the other excavation?
c. Why did the speaker mention this excavation?

5. "How long does it take to get to Acomayo?"
a. What was the reply to this question?
b. Why did Leila ask about the time the journey would take?
c. Why did Lela and Amalia want to go there?


1. a. It was opened to steal the gold mask.
b. He got into the hut through a window which was open.
c. Pablo was responsible for it. He was in Quenco.
2. a. They found a gold rabbit among her work clothes.
b. His face was white and his eyes looked strange.
c. She said she had not stolen that rabbit and had never seen it before.
3. a. It was said by Amalia to Leila.
b. They were in the police cell
c. It was that there was a gold rabbit among Leila's work clothes.
4. a. It was said by Amalia and Leila
b. It was in Acomayo
c. Martin Lander said he was keen to go to Acomayo. So she believed he was there.
5. a. The answer was five hours if there were no land slides.
b. Communication in that area was a problem and they wanted to find Marin Lander before his escape.
c. They wanted to catch Martin Lander
إلا صلاتي
رد: شرح قصة 3 ث اللغة الإنجليزية
مُساهمة الإثنين نوفمبر 30, 2009 10:14 pm من طرف إلا صلاتي
Chapter 9
A matter of Life and death

Owing to Amalia's lack of concentration, broken roads and bad weather, the car crashed, turned on its side and rolled over the edge.

Leila was able to make a splint for Amalia's leg as she had trained in first aid.
Leila put a blanket underneath Amalia and another on top of Amalia as she knew that Amalia could die from the cold at that attitude.

Lander was a swindler. ……….. Give reasons
As Lander persuaded Amalia's father to put up has money in a new silver mine that Lander had found, but it wasn’t true as there was no mine so Amalia's father became poor.

Leila apologized to Amalia…………. Why?

As Leila thought badly of Amalia, she thought that Amalia was working with Lander.

The village people were very helpful.

As soon as Leila explained that her friend was badly injured, a man and two women went with her; they carried Amalia to their house. They offered Amalia hot drinks and some leaves to chew.

The doctor was helpful and responsible ……. Explain

When Liela explained that her friend was badly injured, the doctor rose to the situation, so she went with Leila to see Amalia, and asked for a helicopter to carry Amalia to the hospital.
The doctor didn’t ask for an ambulance as it would take much time and Amalia's case was urgent.

Pablo, a corrupt civil worker

When Dr. Hafez told Pablo that the police had arrested Martin Lander, Pablo confessed that he had to accept Lander's bribery as he led a miserable life with low pay. He had a sick child and he had to pay for his expensive medicines.

Pablo told Dr. Hafez that he had an appointment with Lander at 8 o'clock in Cuzco

Leila suggested setting a trap to catch Lander. They would follow Pablo and catch Lander.

A. Questions & Answers

1. What might have caused the car accident?
She might have lost concentration or the road was broken. The car was upside down on a ledge.
2. What injury did Leila have?
She had a cut in her face and a great pain in her legs and arms.
3. What happened to Amalia?
She was unconscious for some time. She had some broken bones.
4. What did Leila do to Amalia?
She got Amalia out of the car. She put her on a blanket and covered her with another one. She made her a splint.
5. What did Amalia advise Leila to do? What made her say so?
She advised to leave her and try to save herself. It might take days to find someone to help them.
6. What did Amalia tell Leila about Lander?
He had caused her father great harm.
7. What had Lander done to Amalia's father?
He persuaded her father to put up money for a new silver mine that Martin had found. The whole matter was false.
8. Why did Amalia want to go with Leila to Acomayo?
She was angry about what he had done to her father.
9. Why did Amalia want to go with Leila to Acomayo?
She was angry about what he had done to her father.
10. Why did Amalia want to go with Leila to Acomayo?
She wanted to go with Leila to try to catch Martin Lander.
11. Why did Liela feel sorry for Amalia?
Leila thought badly of her.

12. What language did the people of the mountains speak?
They spoke Quechua the language of the Incas and not Spanish.
13. What did Leila do to make the man understand what she wanted?
She made signs with her hands to let him understand.
14. What was the man carrying when he went out of the house?
He was carrying two long pieces of wood with thick cloth between them.
15. What did the man and the two women do to Amalia?
They put her on the bed and carried her up the road.
16. What amazed Leila about the man and the two women?
She was amazed how strong they were.
17. What did they do to Amalia when she was in their house?
They gave her a hot drink and some leaves to chew.
18. Why was it hard for Leila to sleep that night?
The bed was rough and Amalia was crying in pain.
19. What did they mean by the word "boose"?
They meant "bus".
20. Where were the people in the bus going?
They were going to the market in Acomayo.
21. What were they carrying?
They were carrying hens, chickens, boxes and parcels.
22. Why couldn’t' Leila contact Dr. Hafez?
The phone was cut off. What did Leila tell the young woman assistant?
She said she needed a doctor urgently. Her friend was injured in a car crash.
23. How did the doctor go to Amalia?
She took her in her car to the village.
24. What did the doctor do?
The doctor examined Amalia.
25. Why did the doctor ask for a helicopter?
An ambulance would take a long time. It was a matter of life and death.
26. What did Pablo say about the theft?
He had forgotten the keys in the hut and the thief entered through the open window.
27. Why did Dr. Hafez falsely tell Pablo that Lander had been caught?
He believed Pablo's story was not true.
28. What did Pablo really do? Why did he do so?
He helped Lander to steal the mask of gold because he needed money to buy expensive medicines for his sick son.

29. What did Dr. Hafez suggest, concerning catching Lander?
He suggested to call the police.
30. What plan did they agree to carry out in order to catch Lander?
They would set a trap for him. Pablo would meet him as they had agreed. Then, they would catch him.

B. Complete the following sentences

1. There was a great crashing noise and they went down when……………..
2. As a result of the accident, Leila…………………………………………..
3. As a result of the accident, Amalia………………………………………..
4. As Leila had trained in first aid,…………………………………………..
5. After Leila had got Amalia out of the car,…………………………………
6. Although Leila found the mobile………………………………………….
7. Amalia asked Leila to leave her and try to………………………………..
8. Leila decided to go in order to ……………………………………………
9. Martin persuaded Amalia's father to……………………………………….
10. Amalia talked to Lander in Quenco because …………………………...
11. Leila felt sorry for Amalia as……………………………………………
12. In order to make the man understand her, Leila…………………………
13. The man and the two women were strong enough………………………
14. When Amalia was in the house, they gave her…………………………..
15. Leila couldn’t contact Dr. Hafez because ……………………………….
16. When the doctor examined Amalia, she ………………………………...
17. Amalia went to hospital by helicopter because………………………….
18. According to what Pablo said at first, the thief………………………….
19. Pablo helped Lander to steal the mask because…………………………
20. Leila decided to set a trap for Lander of…………………………………


1. …….....Amalia made a car accident.
2. ……….had a cut on the face and pains in her legs and arms.
3. ……….had broken her leg.
4. ……….she made her a splint.
5. ……….she put a blanket underneath her and one on top of her.
6. ……….it didn’t work because it was broken.
7. ……….to save herself.
8. ……….get help.
9. ……….put up some money for a new silver mine he said he had found.

10. ……….she was angry bout what he had done to her father.
11. ……….as she had thought badly of her.
12. ……….made signs with her hands.
13. ……….to carry Amalia and walk all that distance
14. ……….a hot drink and some leaves to chew.
15. ……….the phone was cut off
16. ……….decided to take her to hospital by helicopter.
17. ……….it was a matter of life and death and the ambulance would take a long time.
18. ……….had entered through the open window and he had left the keys in the hut by mistake.
19. ……….he had a sick child that needed expensive medicine.
20. ……….by letting Pablo meet him then they would follow and catch him.

C. Read following quotations then answer the questions:

1. "We've had an accident. We must get help".
a. What was the accident they had?
b. What might have caused the accident?
c. How did Leila get help?
2. "Amalia, I will go to get help. Don’t worry".
a. What was Amalia's advice to Leila?
b. What would Leila go to get help?
c. To what extent did she succeed in her attempt?
3. "There was no mine. My father lost all his money".
a. What was the mine Amalia was speaking about?
b. Who persuaded her father to put up the money?
c. How did Amalia want to take revenge?
4. "Amalia, I understand. I'm so sorry I thought badly of you".
a. What made Leila think badly of Amalia?
b. Why did she change her mind?
c. What did she promise Amalia to do?
5. "Go in the direction of Acomayo. You may come to a village along the way".
a. By whom was this statement said?
b. What words did the speaker ask Leila to say?
c. To what extent did Leila succeed in her attempt?

6. "I've found some help. These people will help us".
a. By whom and to whom was this statement said?
b. Who were those people?
c. How did they help them?
7. "She picked up her coat and, in a few minutes, we were in her car on the road to the village".
a. Who were in the car?
b. Why were they going to the village?
c. What was the result of what they did?
8. "I told him that the police had caught Martin Lander".
a. Was it true that the police had caught Martin Lander?
b. Why did Dr Hafez say so?
c. What was the result of what they did?
9. "That sounds to dangerous, Leila, Lets call the police".
a. What did Dr. Hafez think too dangerous?
b. Why didn’t they call the police?
c. What was the plan they carried out?


1. a. They had a car crash.
b. Perhaps Amalia had lost her concentration a little or the road was broken.
c. She got help when she went to a man and two women in a village.
2. a. She advised Leila to leave her and try to save herself
b. She would try to find people in the mountains.
c. She succeeded and got help from a man and two women.
3. a. It was a new silver mine Martin said he had found.
b. Martin Lander persuaded him to do so.
c. She wanted to catch Martin to be tried from stealing the gold mask.
4. a. She suspected Amalia was working with Martin Lander.
b. Amalia told her about her father's story.
c. She promised to catch Martin Lander to be tried.
5. a. It was said by Amalia.
b. She told her Spanish words which meant "please help me quickly".
c. She met a man and two women who helped her.
6. a. It was said by Leila to Amalia.
b. They were a man and two women from a village.
c. They carried Amalia to their house and tried to treat her.

7. a. The doctor and Leila were in the car
b. The doctor was going to examine Amalia.
c. Amalia was taken to hospital by helicopter.
8. a. No, it was not true.
b. He wanted Pablo to confess.
c. He confessed that he had helped Martin Lander to steal the gold mask.
9. a. It was dangerous to follow Martin and catch him.
b. There was no time to call the police.
c. Pablo would meet Martin as they had agreed. Then they would follow him and catch Lander.


شرح قصة 3 ث اللغة الإنجليزية

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