مـنـتـديـات ابن النفيس ترحب بكم
أهلا ومرحبا بك فى منتديات ابن النفيس تفضل بالدخول إذا كنت مسجلا أو قم بالتسجيل لتشاركنا بمساهماتك وردودك وشاهد كل ما يخص التعليم والمناهج وأخبار المدارس والكثير من المجالات المختلفة
مع تحياتى مدير المنتدى / عادل الحلاج
مـنـتـديـات ابن النفيس ترحب بكم
أهلا ومرحبا بك فى منتديات ابن النفيس تفضل بالدخول إذا كنت مسجلا أو قم بالتسجيل لتشاركنا بمساهماتك وردودك وشاهد كل ما يخص التعليم والمناهج وأخبار المدارس والكثير من المجالات المختلفة
مع تحياتى مدير المنتدى / عادل الحلاج
مـنـتـديـات ابن النفيس ترحب بكم
هل تريد التفاعل مع هذه المساهمة؟ كل ما عليك هو إنشاء حساب جديد ببضع خطوات أو تسجيل الدخول للمتابعة.

الرئيسيةبوابة الموقعأحدث الصورالتسجيلدخول
مبروك حصول مدرسة ابن النفيس الإعدادية بنات على اعتماد هيئة ضمان الجودة تم إعلان نتيجة الفصل الدراسى الأول يناير 2016 ومبروك لكل الطالبات
اسم العضو:
كلمة السر:
ادخلني بشكل آلي عند زيارتي مرة اخرى: 
:: لقد نسيت كلمة السر
بصراحة هل أعجبك المنتدى
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 66% [ 338 ]
سلسلة المرشد للتمارين unit 12  سادس ترم ثانى 2011 Vote_rcap12%سلسلة المرشد للتمارين unit 12  سادس ترم ثانى 2011 Vote_lcap
 12% [ 62 ]
لم يعجبنى
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 22% [ 112 ]
مجموع عدد الأصوات : 512
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 سلسلة المرشد للتمارين unit 12 سادس ترم ثانى 2011

اذهب الى الأسفل 
كاتب الموضوعرسالة
عادل الحلاج
مدير عام المنتدى
مدير عام المنتدى
عادل الحلاج

العمل : سلسلة المرشد للتمارين unit 12  سادس ترم ثانى 2011 Profes10
مزاجك : سلسلة المرشد للتمارين unit 12  سادس ترم ثانى 2011 110
الهوايه : سلسلة المرشد للتمارين unit 12  سادس ترم ثانى 2011 Travel10
الجنس : سلسلة المرشد للتمارين unit 12  سادس ترم ثانى 2011 I_icon_gender_male
عدد المساهمات : 5942
تاريخ التسجيل : 06/06/2009
نقاط : 21415
الموقع : www.ebnalnafes.com

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مُساهمةسلسلة المرشد للتمارين unit 12 سادس ترم ثانى 2011

the following dialogue with these words:

(Much – often – hobby –
reading – library)

What's your favourite …………, Ali?

It's …………… books.

Where do you usually read them?

At the school …………….

How …………. Do you go there?

I always go there on Mondays.

the following dialogue with these words:

(Upper – was – is – musician – blind)

Do you know Ammar El sherei?

Yes, I know him, he's a very famous Egyptian …….

Where ……… he born?

In …………… Egypt.

Can he see?

No, he can't because he is ……………

the following dialogue with these words:

(bought – buy – guitar – always – made)

Have you got a ……………., Tamer?

Yes, I have.

When did you ………. it?

I bought it last month.

How often do you play it?

I …………. play It in the evening.

the correct answer from a, b or c:

Teacher: Is your shirt made of wool?


Yes, it's expensive. b) No,
it's made of cotton.

I bought it yesterday.

Sara: ………………………………………………….?

Mona: I
always do my homework in the evening.

Can you do your homework? b) Did you
do your homework? c) How often do you
do your homework?

the correct answer from a, b or c:

Teacher: What's the capital of Sudan?

Ali: …………………………………………………….

Sudan is in Africa. b) Khartoum is the capital of Sudan. c) Yes, Sudan is amazing country.

Sara: …………………………………………………………..?

Mona: I never play the drums.

Do you like playing drums? b) Have you
got drums?

How often do you play the drums?

the correct answer from a, b or c:

Sally: Why do tourists like visiting Meroe?

Sara: …………………………………………………

To see the pyramids. b) To swim. c) To
buy books.

Teacher: How many countries border Sudan?

Sara: ………………………………………………..

many pyramids. b) many parks. c) nine countries.

and match:



borders Sudan.

to the radio?

in Upper Egypt.

He can't walk.

He can't see.

1- How often do you listen

He is blind


My grandfather was born

1- ( )
2- ( ) 3- ( ) 4- (

and match:



Visit the pyramids.

Visiting the pyramids

meet in Khartoum.

beautiful music.

Play drums.

The White and the Blue Nile

Ammar El sherei writes

Many people in Sudan

Tourists like

and match:



tennis on Friday.

capital of Egypt.

and mountain in Sudan

you play football?

Ali play football?

There are deserts

I sometimes play

How often does

Cairo is the

1- ( )
2- ( ) 3- ( ) 4- (

the correct answer:

(1) How often (do/does/are) you go to the

Egypt, Sudan and Libya are

My brother (buy/buying/bought) new drums last week.

There (is/are/am) two rivers in Sudan.

How (many/often/old) pyramids are there in Sudan?

(6) Tourists like (visit/visiting/visited) Meroe.

I always play basketball (in/at/on) Friday.

I (always/sometimes/never) play the guitar, because I don't like playing it.

I always listen to the news (in/at/on) the radio.

(10) Ammar El sherei is a famous (musician/writer/vet)

(11) He went to a school (for/to/with) blinds.

How often (do/does/has) they play the guitar?

When I was three, I (can/will/could) talk.

The opposite of "north" is (east/west/south).

Luxor is in the south (in/on/of) Egypt.

This guitar is made (from/in/of) wood.

This jacket is made of (paper/leather/wool).

Khartoum is the
capital of (Egypt/Sudan/Libya).

I always go to shool (on/by/at) foot.

"East" is the opposite of (south/west/north).

He wants to be a (music/musician/blind).

They went to the park to (see/eat/wash) animals.

Could you read (what/how/when) you were five?

The Blue Nile and the White Nile (eat/meet/meat) in Khartoum.

How often do you (ride/riding/rode) a bike?

questions using the words in brackets:

He was born in 1948. (When)


He went to Sudan
yesterday. [Where]


He writes music. [What]


I never play the drums. [How often]


Aswan is in the south of Egypt. [Where]


Khartoum is the capital of Sudan. [What]


Nine countries border Sudan.
[How many]


Yes, I could talk when I was two. [Could]


North is the opposite of south. [What]


I always listen to the radio in the evening. [How often]


Many people in Sudan
play drums. (What)


There are 28 pyramids at Meroe.
[How many]


Tourists like visiting Sudan.


He was born in Upper Egypt. [Where]


Yes, there are mountains in Sudan.


The went to the park. [Where]


the following to make meaningful sentence:

early – always – go – I – school – to.


does – the – How often – Ali – guitar – play?


never – I – the – play – drums.


after – my – I – homework – do – school – always.


like – the – people – playing – Sudan
– in - drums.


listen – the – How often – you – do – to – radio?


sometimes – on – I – my – uncle – Friday – visit.


(Cool bought – My – from – father – Sudan – drums.


(9) are – and – There – deserts –in – mountains – Sudan.


made – Is – of – book – paper – your?


watch – I – in – TV- the – always – evening.


are – Arab – Sudan – country
– and - Egypt.


does – How often – Mona – to – the – go – park?


south – there – In – of – deserts – the – are – Egypt.


you – How often – do – go – the – library – to?


the following sentences:

(1) khartoum is the capital of sudan


yes there re mountains in egypt


ahmed was born in luxor


what s the capital of egypt


i always play football on tuesday


the following sentences:

(1) Many tourists like to visit Egypt.


How often does Ali listen to the radio?


When he was five he couldn't see.


My favourite hobby is reading.


What can you see at the park?

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سلسلة المرشد للتمارين unit 12 سادس ترم ثانى 2011 :: تعاليق

رد: سلسلة المرشد للتمارين unit 12 سادس ترم ثانى 2011
مُساهمة السبت أبريل 30, 2011 5:01 pm من طرف eid
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