مـنـتـديـات ابن النفيس ترحب بكم
أهلا ومرحبا بك فى منتديات ابن النفيس تفضل بالدخول إذا كنت مسجلا أو قم بالتسجيل لتشاركنا بمساهماتك وردودك وشاهد كل ما يخص التعليم والمناهج وأخبار المدارس والكثير من المجالات المختلفة
مع تحياتى مدير المنتدى / عادل الحلاج
مـنـتـديـات ابن النفيس ترحب بكم
أهلا ومرحبا بك فى منتديات ابن النفيس تفضل بالدخول إذا كنت مسجلا أو قم بالتسجيل لتشاركنا بمساهماتك وردودك وشاهد كل ما يخص التعليم والمناهج وأخبار المدارس والكثير من المجالات المختلفة
مع تحياتى مدير المنتدى / عادل الحلاج
مـنـتـديـات ابن النفيس ترحب بكم
هل تريد التفاعل مع هذه المساهمة؟ كل ما عليك هو إنشاء حساب جديد ببضع خطوات أو تسجيل الدخول للمتابعة.

الرئيسيةبوابة الموقعأحدث الصورالتسجيلدخول
مبروك حصول مدرسة ابن النفيس الإعدادية بنات على اعتماد هيئة ضمان الجودة تم إعلان نتيجة الفصل الدراسى الأول يناير 2016 ومبروك لكل الطالبات
اسم العضو:
كلمة السر:
ادخلني بشكل آلي عند زيارتي مرة اخرى: 
:: لقد نسيت كلمة السر
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 22% [ 112 ]
مجموع عدد الأصوات : 512
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 مراجعة ليلة الامتحان انجليزى ترم أول ثالث اعدادى

اذهب الى الأسفل 
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عادل الحلاج
مدير عام المنتدى
مدير عام المنتدى
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العمل : مراجعة ليلة الامتحان انجليزى ترم أول ثالث اعدادى  Profes10
مزاجك : مراجعة ليلة الامتحان انجليزى ترم أول ثالث اعدادى  110
الهوايه : مراجعة ليلة الامتحان انجليزى ترم أول ثالث اعدادى  Travel10
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مُساهمةمراجعة ليلة الامتحان انجليزى ترم أول ثالث اعدادى

Finish the following dialogue:
Maher : Do you like going to the school library ?
Soha :……………………………………………… .
Maher :……………………………………………….?
Soha : During the break.
Maher : What kind of books do you like to read ?
Soha : ……………………………………. .

Mr Ali : Taxi , taxi .
Driver Where to, sir ?
Mr Ali : ……………………… . I'm flying to Kuwait .
Driver : ……………………………………………… ?
Mr Ali :After two hours .
Driver : We have much time.
Mr Ali : We've arrived. ………………………….. ?
Driver : Thirty pounds.
Mr Ali : Here you are . Thank you.

* Write what you would say in each of the following situation:
1- You request politely from your sister to make you a sandwich.
2- You suggest going to the cinema on Friday.
3- Your friend has lost his school books and he asks you for advice.
4- You want to tell your brother your opinion about his new suit بدلة .
5- You meet someone for the first time.
6- One of your friends receivedاستلم  a prize in drawing.
7- You apologise to your teacher for forgetting your books.
8- A friend requests you to give him some money, but you refuse politely.
9- Your cousin wants to borrow your camera and you agree.
10- It is cold and your sister says," Do you mind if I close the window?" You agree.
11- Your brother apologises for losing your CD. Accept the apology.
12- A friend of yours wants to know your opinion about the educational programs on TV.
13- You greet your teacher in the morning.
14- You refuse a suggestion to go to the zoo with your friends.

15- You would like to borrow your friend’s bicycle.
16- Your sister has lost an expensive necklaceعقد  .
17- Your brother has become very fat. Advise him.
18-  You introduce your friend Hisham to your parents.
19- You meet your friend in the street after school at 3 o'clock.
20- Your friend asks you if he could use your pen.
21- Your brother suggests watching a film in the cinema. You agree.
22- Your friend passed an exam.
23- Your father’s new boss is introduced to you.
24- Your brother spilled water on your trousers. You are not angry.
25- Your friend lent you his dictionary, but you’ve lost it.
26- You would like to use your friend’s telephone.
27- Your sister has got the best mark in English.
28- Your brother spends much time in front of the computer.
29- You greet your mother before you go to bed.
30- Your friend asks you to lend him your dictionary, but you refuse politely.
31- Your friend suggests playing football, but you're busy.
32- Your friend congratulates you on your successنجاح .    
34- You meet your English pen-friend at Cairo Airport.
35- Your mother thanks you for helping her.
36- Your friend has broken your camera. You are angry.
37- Your friend suggests watching a film. You give a positive replyرد ايجابي .
38- You would like to borrow your friend's dictionary.
39- Your friend suggests going on a picnic. You give a negative replyرد سلبي .

* Read and match:
1- We’d rather go to the sea   a- playing computer games.
2- Nadia hasn’t b- No, not at all.
3- If I had enough money,   c- when it’s very hot.
4- They are busy d- I'd buy a new bike.  
5- Do you mind if I open the door? e- since last year.
f- done the housework yet.
1- If I were you, a- No, I'm not.
2- "Rude" is b- to travel overseas.
3- Have you ever gone diving? c- I’d see a doctor at once.
4- A century is d- the opposite of "polite".
5- Samir is learning French e- a period of 100 years.
f- No, never.
1- The opposite of "weak" is a- not simple.
2- Do you mind if I borrow your CD? b- I’m fine, thanks.
3- How do you do? c- Certainly. Go ahead.
4- Can I use your pen, please? d- "strong".
5- If something is "complex", it’s e- No, not at all.
f- glorious.
1- Ahmed has been revising maths a- despite the weather being cold.
2- Nadia has been making a cake. b- although she isn’t going to Greece.
3- The Ahmeds like living in a city. c- However, she isn’t going to eat it.
4- Soha has been studying Greek d- No, he isn’t.
5- Salma has been playing outside   e- because he’s got an exam tomorrow.
f- On the other hand, they like visiting the country.
1- The polite language we use with strangers is called     a- blocked
2- A calm person who waits a long time is b- disappointed
3- Something is this when there is no way to pass. c- annoying
4- If something isn’t as good as you hoped, you feel d- successful
5- Something is this when it makes you a little angry. e- formal language
f- patient
1- To move very quickly. a- recover
2- To take something quickly and strongly b- faint
3- Not to be able to feel, move or see as if you are asleep. c- study
4- To break into small pieces. d- grab
5- To feel better. e- smash
f- rush

* Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d:

1- ……………for me, please. I’ll be back soon.  
a) Look b) Sit c) Wait d) Expect
2- My father has ………….. jobs. His new job is really important.
a) changed b) left c) done d) found
3- Look! The sky is full of black clouds. I think it ……………. rain .
a) will b) going to c) is going to d) would
4- When the ship ……………., a lot of people were killed.
a) built b) repaired c) sailed d) sank
5- We’d rather………………the summer holiday in our village.
a) to spend   b) spend c) spending d) spent
6- The children ………………..computer games now.
a) play   b) are playing c) have played d) were playing
7- When I grow up, I ………………..a pilot.
a) have been   b) am c) going to be d) am going to be
8- The brave firemen …………………many people from the fire.
a) spent b) scored c) sent d) saved
9- My uncle ……………….in Aswan for ten years.
a) lives b) is living c) living d) has been living
10- I’m sorry. I …………………my homework yet.
a) don’t finished   b) won’t finish c) haven’t finished d) didn’t finish
11- Students ……………… a lot of interesting activities at school.
a) make b) do c) teach d) say
12- A friend of mine came while I ……………… TV .
a) watched b) was watching   c) watching d) watches
13- The sun always ……………… in the east.
a) is rising b) will rise c) is going to rise d) rises
14- Dad was ill. …………., we took him to hospital .
a) However b) because c) That's why d) But
15- Ahmed ……………..part in the 1996 Paralympic Games.  
a) played b) took c) did d) made
16- Soha’s uncle …………………to Italy ten days ago.
a) would travel b) travelled c) is travelling d) travelling
17- English is the most important……………….language.
a) public   b) private c) national d) international
18- A…………………is someone who buys things from a shop.
a) scientist b) fisherman c) customer d) driver
19- By the time dad arrived, Salma …………….all her food.
a) had eaten b) eat c) ate d) eating
20- A ………….. is a piece of metal for people who win in the Olympics.
a) penalty b) race c) medal d) glass
21- If you drop the watch, it …………….into pieces.
a) break b) will break c) broke d) bring
22- My jacket has three big ……………..in the middle.
a) buttons b) button c) bottom d) bullets
23- I visited England last March. I went to America …………..
a) despite b) and c) however d) as well
24- He usually ……………alone.
a) come b) comes c) coming d) is coming

25- Sorry, I’d rather you……………….
a) don’t b) haven’t c) didn’t d) aren’t
26- We are very keen ……….visiting the park.
a) with b) for c) at d) on
27- ……………..the party was cancelled because of the rain.
a) Lucky b) Luck c) Fortunate d) Unfortunately
28- A ………….is a book in which one writes daily notes.
a) diary b) dairy c) notebook d) magazine
29- She spends her free time……………….stories.
a) read b) reads c) reading d) is reading
30- He was busy…………….. a letter.
a) write b) writes c) writing d) is writing
31- If I had enough money, I ……………. a new bike.  
a) will buy b) had bought c) would have bought d) would buy
32- Salma ……………….the dishes yet.
a) has washed b) hasn’t washed c) washed d) is washing
33- They have worked in this factory………….10 years.
a) since b) for c) ago d) already
34- What about …………….to the park?
a) go b) goes c) going d) are going
35- I feel like………..out.
a) go b) goes c) going d) are going
36- Dad suggested ………………..dinner at a restaurant.
a) have b) to have c) having d) had
37- Farmers use…………to help crops grow better.
a) fertile b) fertilisers c) seeds d) soil
38- ………….. her cleverness, she is polite.
a) In addition to   b) In addition c) Although d) Despite
39- I congratulated my friend ……. passing his exams.
a) with b) at c) in d) on
40- I bought my car for a good ……………
a) prize b) price c) reward d) money
41- The mother waited ……….. while her son was playing .
a) quickly b) impatiently c) patiently d) suddenly
42- I …………….the hotel to make a reservation.
a) communicate b) rang c) linked d) wrote
43- He is going to …………….tomorrow.
a) roller-blades b) roller-blade c) roller-blading d) roller-bladed
44- I hope Ahmed ………………a good job.
a) would get b) will get c) gets d) getting
45- After……………..secondary school, he joined the Faculty of Medicine.
a) had left b) left c) leaving d) leaves
46- ……………she had done the cooking, she washed up.
a) Before b) After c) By the time d) While
45- Why don't we ……… pizza for lunch ?
a) have b) having c) had d) has
46- If he …………….first in class, he’ll get a prize.
a) come b) comes c) came d) will come
47- Soha  would buy a dress if she ……… money.
a) got b) get c) gets d) had got
48- If Ramy ………….taller, he’d play basketball.
a) is b) were c) will be d) are
49- They will catch the train if they …………..in time.
a) arrived b) arrives c) arrive d) arriving
50- The ……….soldiers killed the enemy.
a) weak b) cowardly c) afraid d) brave
51- The player ……….. the penalty, so most people in the stadium were angry.
a) lost b) missed c) scored d) took
52- If she had got high marks, she …………….the university.
a) will join b) would join c) join d) would have joined
53- Please, move that box away. It's ………….. the way.
a) blocking   b) disappearing c) annoying d) disappointing
54- The player would have scored a goal if he …………………fast.
a) ran b) hadn't run c) had run d) runs
55- We use ……………language with family and friends.
a) formal b) informal c) formed d) forming
56- He ………….to ride a horse when he was young.
a) use b) used c) is used d) is using
57- They didn’t ………….to arrive late.
a) use b) used c) is used d) is using
58- She used to …………to bed early.
a) go b) goes c) going d) is going
59-Drivers on busy roads should have a lot of ……………...
a) patiently b) patience c) patient d) impatience
60- Modern planes have bigger fuel………………
a) boxes b) tanks c) bottles d) kettles
61- Mobile phones have become …………..these days.
a) come b) common c) uncommon d) coming

* Rewrite the following sentences using the word(s) in brackets to give the same meaning:

1- He went to hospital because he was very ill.
…………………………………………………………………… (so)
2- Let's go for a walk in the afternoon.
…………………………………………………………………… (Why don’t)
3- They felt sad when they failed the exam.
…………………………………………………………………… (happy)
4- You should do exercise everyday.
…………………………………………………………………… (If)
5- Although he isn’t rich, he’s happy.
…………………………………………………………………… (but)
6- Could I open the window, please?
…………………………………………………………………… (mind)
7- This new bag belongs to me.
…………………………………………………………………… (mine)
8- I think Hala is a polite girl.
…………………………………………………………………… (opinion)
9- He'll get a job in London. That's why he's learning English.
…………………………………………………………………… (because)
10- I advise you to eat few sweets.
…………………………………………………………………… (shouldn’t)
11- They waited for an hour, but he didn’t come.
…………………………………………………………………… (Although)
12- She didn’t go to school because she was ill.
…………………………………………………………………… (If)
13- She'll cook lunch and clean the house .
…………………………………………………………………… (In addition to)
14- Farmers grow crops.
…………………………………………………………………… (grown)
15- When the doctor arrived, we were trying to save her.
…………………………………………………………………… (while)
16- Andy came a short time ago .
…………………………………………………………………… (just)
17- I’d like to have tea.
…………………………………………………………………… (’d rather)
18- She went to the shops. Then, she did the housework .
…………………………………………………………………… (After)
19- He got high marks because he is clever.
…………………………………………………………………… (because of)
20- He has worked with us for 7 years.
…………………………………………………………………… (since)
21- This is the lorry. It hit the bus.
…………………………………………………………………… (which)
22- I ate a short time ago.
…………………………………………………………………… (just)
23- She has played tennis since 2005.
…………………………………………………………………… (for)
24- I met my friends while I was on holiday.
…………………………………………………………………… (during)
25- She fell asleep during the film.
…………………………………………………………………… (while)
26- You should be careful.
…………………………………………………………………… ('d better)
27- The thief escaped. Then, the police looked for him.
…………………………………………………………………… (As soon as)
28- Although he was hungry he ate little food.
…………………………………………………………………… (Despite)
29- They intend to travel overseas.
…………………………………………………………………… (going)
30- The team may win the match.
…………………………………………………………………… (Perhaps)
31- Although he drove fast, he arrived late.
…………………………………………………………………… (However)
32- She played tennis when she was seven but now she doesn’t.
…………………………………………………………………… (used to)
33- It was his habit to get up late.
…………………………………………………………………… (used to)
34- He can't buy a car because he is poor.
…………………………………………………………………… (If)

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مراجعة ليلة الامتحان انجليزى ترم أول ثالث اعدادى :: تعاليق

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رد: مراجعة ليلة الامتحان انجليزى ترم أول ثالث اعدادى
مُساهمة الجمعة يناير 21, 2011 1:57 am من طرف عادل الحلاج

* Read and correct the underlined words:
1- I didn't like the film because I left the cinema .
2- Noha didn't write the reports yet .
3- He is going playing tennis in the afternoon.
4- I haven't seen Ahmed since I am on in Aswan.
5- My father drive me to school everyday.
6- Don’t be rude on other people.
7- They were pleased when they lost the match.
8- Would you mind pass the salt, please?
9- If you work hard, you would get a lot of money.
10- You should always be impolite.
11- He’s been in primary school since four years.
12- He watched TV at the moment.
13- To rush means to take something quickly and strongly.
14- Ali came two in his class.
15- He went dive this morning.
16- They have win the match.
17- I have been painted a horse .
18- Ali hasn’t arrived already.
19- At the age of sixty, Egyptian workers return.
20- October 6th is a glory day.
21- Don’t go out while the rain.
22- I've decided traveling abroad .
23- She was can to swim.
24- After the bell ringing, we left the class.
25- While she cleans the room, the door bell rang.
26- By the time having a bath, she had taken exercise.
27- The thieves broke down the shop last night.
28- We look forward to meet her.
29- They like fizzy foods.
30- If she came late, I will punish her.
31- We use bottles to fasten clothes.
32- He apologised on breaking my watch.
33- I’d rather drinking juice.

* Write a letter to your new Spanish pen friend, john:

• Start the letter and ask about your friend's health.
• Tell him that you are coming to Madrid with your family on June 21st .
• Ask him to meet you at the airport.
• Tell him how long you are going to stay in Spain.
• Invite him to visit you in Hurghada next year.
• Finish the letter .
• You live at 23 July street, Hurghada, Red Sea and your name is Marawan.

* Write a paragraph of five sentences on:" Sports "

Your favourite sport Football

How often you practise it five days a week
Why it is important make body strong
Where you practise it at school or in club
When you practise it after school and holidays
…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………

* Write a paragraph of five sentences on " Tourists in Egypt "

Guiding points :
Tourists - come - enjoy - fine weather - ancient monuments - the pyramids -
The Sphinx - museums - Castle - Aswan and Luxor - winter .
…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… .

* Questions and Answers

1- Who was Professor Lidenbrock?

* A famous scientist and geologist.


* Who was Axel?
He was Professor's nephew and his assistant .

3- Who was Martha?

* She was Lidenbrock’s cook.

4- Who was Hans?

* He was a guide from Iceland. ( He was a big man who walked slowly and didn't speak much )

5- Where did the professor and Axel live?

* In Hamburg.

6- Why was Martha worried when Professor Lidenbrock came home early?

* Because his dinner wasn’t ready yet.

7- Why did Axel come to live with his uncle?

* Because his parents died.

8- Why couldn't the professor understand the parchment?

* Because the letters were mixed up and it was written in a secret code.

9- How could Axel read the parchment?

* By chance.( When he saw two Latin words he knew ).

10- Why did Axel want to burn the parchment?

* To stop his uncle from making the journey.

11- What were runes?

* The letters of the old Icelandic alphabets.

12- Why did the professor think that the parchment was written in Latin?

* Because scientists of the 16th century wrote about their discoveries in Latin.

13- Why did the professor think that the parchment was written by the owner of the old book?

* Because the book and the parchment weren’t written in the same handwriting ( The parchment was later than the book ).

14- What was the old book?

* A translation of a famous Icelandic book written by Snorri Sturlasson.

15- Why did Axel change his mind about telling his uncle that he broke the secret code?

* Because he felt sorry for his uncle who hadn't eaten or slept for 2 days.

16- What did the professor do when Axel told him of his discovery?

* He cried of joy and jumped to his feet.

17- What did they prepare for the journey?

* Guns, tools and scientific instruments.

18- How did they travel to Iceland?

* By a steamer.

19- Who did they meet in Copenhagen? What did he give them?

* A Danish scientist. He gave them letters of introduction to the most important men in Iceland.

20- How was Dr. Fridrikson helpful?

* He arranged for a guide called Hans to take them to Sneffels.

21- How was the countryside?

* It was bleak.( with no crops and hardly any animals. )

22- How were the Icelanders kind?

* They gave them the best food and drink and refused money.

23- How was the professor during the voyage to Iceland?

* He was seasick.

24- Why didn’t Axel want to do the journey?

* Because the centre of the earth was very hot.

25- What did the professor tell Dr. Fridrikson about the journey?

* He told Dr. Fridrikson that he was interested in Iceland's geology.

26- What terrible dream did Axel have?

* He was inside an active volcano and he was shot up out of it like a rocket.

27- What was the crater of Sneffels shaped like?

* An ice cream cone.

28- How did they descend to the bottom of the crater?

* They used ropes.

29- Why was it hard to breathe while climbing Sneffels?

* Because of the thin air.

30- What did they find at the bottom of the crater?

* Three chimneys.

31- Why couldn't they choose the right chimney?

* Because there was no shadow as the clouds hid the sun .

32- How long did the clouds cover the sun?

* For three days.

33- When did the shadow of Scartaris fall on the right chimney?

* On June 28th .

34- Which chimney did the shadow of Scartaris fall on?

* The middle one.

35- How did they lower their supplies?

* They used a rope.

36- What did the rocks of the chimney prove to the professor?

* That the centre of the earth couldn’t be hot.

37- When did Axel change his mind about the journey?

* When they found the water.

38- How could they find their way in the darkness?

* They used a torch.

39- Why was Axel worried while they were walking inside Sneffels?

* Because they had used about half of their water.

40- What did Professor Lidenbrock expect to find?

* Underground water.

41- Which path did they enter at the end of the main passage?

* The eastern path.

42- Why did Axel feel more tired while they were walking in the eastern path?

* Because the path was going up, not down .

43- What did Axel find in the rocks?

* He found a shell of an insect.

44- Why did Axel think that they might have taken the wrong path?

* Because the path was going up, not down and there were plants and animals preserved in the rock.

45- How long did they walk in the eastern path?

* For eight days (five days up and three days down).

46- What did they find at the end of the eastern path?

* A blank wall.

47- Why did they have to go back to the crossroads?

* Because they found a blank wall at the end of the eastern path.

48- Why did Axel fall to the ground when they reached the crossroads?

* Because he was tired and very thirsty.

49- Why did Axel want to give up the journey?

* Because they had finished all their water.

50- What did Hans do to get water?

* He used his pickaxe to make a hole.

51- What happened when Hans made a hole in the wall of rock?

* The water burst and hit him.

52- Why did Hans cry out in pain when the jet of water hit him?

* Because the water was very hot, almost boiling.

53- Why did they decide to leave the hole in the wall as it was?

* To show them the quickest way down.

54- Why did Axel feel a pain in his ears?

* Because of the air pressure.

55- What did Professor Lidenbrock advise Axel to do when he felt pain in his ears?

* To breathe quickly.

56- How did Axel get lost?

* While he was walking in front of his uncle and Hans, he took a wrong turning.

57- What happened to Axel when he got lost?

* He fainted.

58- Why did the professor use a magnifying glass?

* To make the letters bigger.

59- What did the professor promise Axel if they didn't find water ?


They would go back to the earth .

60- Why was the walking through the passage like the walking in a box of jewels ?

* Because the walls were red and sparkled when the sun shone .

61- Why did the scientists come to the professor to learn from him ?

* Because he knew more about the earth than any other scientist
سارة صبرى
رد: مراجعة ليلة الامتحان انجليزى ترم أول ثالث اعدادى
مُساهمة الجمعة يناير 21, 2011 12:47 pm من طرف سارة صبرى
مشكور يا استاذ عادل
رد: مراجعة ليلة الامتحان انجليزى ترم أول ثالث اعدادى
مُساهمة السبت يناير 21, 2012 10:46 pm من طرف آية ممدوح
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مراجعة ليلة الامتحان انجليزى ترم أول ثالث اعدادى

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